Group Description
The main aim of Working Group 1 (WG1, Noise Technical) is to keep ICAO noise certification standards (in Annex 16, Volume I) up to date and effective, while ensuring that the certification procedures are as simple and inexpensive as possible. The CAEP working groups liaise on the interdependencies of ICAO environmental Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), and WG1 provides advice on the noise aspects associated with the ICAO global environmental trends and the emission standards contained in Annex 16 Vol II and III.
Current work
The WG1 work programme for the CAEP/12 cycle (2019-2022) includes various topics such as:
- Supersonics - Development of an exploratory study to provide CAEP with a better understanding of airport noise impacts resulting from the introduction of supersonic aircraft. WG1 will also continue to develop a scheme for en route noise/sonic boom certification for supersonic flight.
- Research monitoring - Monitor and report on the various national and international noise research programmes, including emerging noise reduction technologies, sonic boom characterization, quantification, measurement, and acceptability.
- New entrants noise - Monitor developments around the noise of new entrants such as RPAS/UAS, electric aircraft, and air taxis.
- Helicopter noise – monitor the availability of data to assess the helicopter noise certification scheme and its relevance to day-to-day operations, as well as its suitability to assess helicopter hover noise.
Main publications
- Annex 16 – Volume I, Aircraft Noise (Eighth Edition, July 2017)
- Doc 9501 – Environmental Technical Manual, Volume I – Procedures for the Noise Certification of Aircraft (Third Edition, 2018)
- Doc 9829 – Guidance on the Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management (Second Edition, 2008)
- Doc 9888 – Noise Abatement Procedures: Review of Research, Development and Implementation Projects - Discussion of Survey Results (2010)
- Doc 9943 – Report by the CAEP Noise Technology Independent Expert Panel. Aircraft Noise Technology Review and Medium and Long Term Noise Reduction Goals. Report (2010)
- Doc 10017 – Report by the Second CAEP Noise Technology Independent Expert Panel. Aircraft Noise Technology Review and Medium and Long Term Noise Reduction Goals. Report (2014)
- Doc 10127 - Independent Expert Integrated Technology Goals Assessment and Review for Engines and Aircraft (2019)
WG1 Milestones