No. |
Title and Date |
Language |
A37-WP/17 EX/1 |
Implementation support and development - Security programme (ISD - Security) (09/07/10) |
A37-WP/18 EX/2 |
ICAO Comprehensive Aviation Security Strategy (ICASS) - Strategic Plan of Action 2011-2016 (28/06/10) |
A37-WP/19 EX/3 |
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies related to the safeguarding of international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference (08/07/10) |
A37-WP/21 EX/4 |
Civil aviation and the environment (04/06/10) |
A37-WP/22 EX/5 |
United Nations Climate Neutral Initiative (26/05/10) |
A37-WP/23 EX/6 |
Aviation and alternative fuels (25/05/10) |
A37-WP/23 Corrigendum No. 1 EX/6 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/24 EX/7 |
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection - General provisions, noise and local air quality (04/06/10) |
A37-WP/24 Corrigendum No. 1 EX/7 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/25 EX/8 |
Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection - climate change (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/26 EX/9 |
Present and future aircraft noise and emissions trends (21/07/10) |
A37-WP/27 EX/10 |
Developments in other United Nations bodies (06/08/10) |
A37-WP/28 EX/11 |
Cooperation with regional organizations and regional civil aviation bodies (17/06/10) |
A37-WP/32 EX/12 |
Implementation and evolution of the ICAO Universal Security Audit Programme (26/07/10) |
A37-WP/34 EX/13 |
Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of ICAO - Progress in improving the working methods of the Organization (09/08/10) |
A37-WP/38 EX/14 |
Human resources management (05/07/10) |
A37-WP/38 Corrigendum No. 1 EX/14 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (13/09/10) |
A37-WP/39 Corrigendum No. 1 EX/15 |
Corrigendum No. 1 (13/09/10) |
A37-WP/39 EX/15 |
Status of the ICAO workforce (08/07/10) |
A37-WP/40 Revision No. 1 EX/16 |
Revision No. 1 (20/08/10) |
A37-WP/40 EX/16 |
Activities and policy on technical co-operation during the period 2007 - 2009 (28/06/10) |
A37-WP/62 EX/17,AD/16 |
Financial aspects of the question of contributions in arrears (16/08/10) |
A37-WP/62 Revision No. 1 EX/17,AD/16 |
Revison No. 1 (27/09/10) |
A37-WP/62 Revision No. 1 Addendum No. 1 EX17,AD/16 |
Addendum No. 1 (28/09/10) |
A37-WP/65 EX/18 |
Activities of the International Financial Facility for Aviation safety (IFFAS) (20/07/10) |
A37-WP/65 Addendum No. 1 EX/8 |
Addendum No. 1 (23/09/10) |
A37-WP/75 EX/19 |
Declaration on Aviation Security (16/08/10) |
A37-WP/93 EX/21 |
Implementation of ex-post evaluations in ICAO technical cooperation projects (16/08/10) |
A37-WP/93 Revised EX/21 |
Revised (28/09/10) |
A37-WP/97 EX/22 |
Support of ICAO Secretariat realignment (security components), security programmes and security policy making mechanisms (25/08/10) |
A37-WP/99 EX/23 |
Agreements and memoranda of understanding for member States in the area of security and facilitation (25/08/10) |
A37-WP/100 EX/24 |
Aviation security capacity building activities (26/08/10) |
A37-WP/101 EX/25 |
Aviation security policy (26/08/10) |
A37-WP/108 EX/26 |
Addressing aviation's environmental impacts through a comprehensive approach (30/08/10) |
A37-WP/109 EX/27 |
Aviation emissions (30/08/10) |
A37-WP/117 EX/28 |
Environmental protection measures in the civil aviation sector (Information paper) (31/08/10) |
A37-WP/123 EX/29 |
Situation of ICAO Regional Offices located in Africa - English only (31/08/10) |
A37-WP/123 Revision No. 1 EX/29 |
Revision No. 1 (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/164 EX/30 |
Trial of advanced imaging technology in Japan (information paper) (07/09/10) |
A37-WP/174 EX/31 |
Statement regarding mitigation of Greenhouse Gas emissions from air passenger transport - English only (07/09/10) |
A37-WP/181 EX/32 |
Addressing global climate change within the framework of sustainable development of international aviation (10/09/10) |
A37-WP/183 EX/33 |
Recent efforts in the Asia and Pacific region after APAM-AVSEC (10/09/10) |
A37-WP/185 EX/34 |
Sustainable alternative aviation fuels (10/09/10) |
A37-WP/186 EX/35 |
A more ambitious, collective approach to international aviation greenhouse gas emissions (10/09/10) |
A37-WP/187 EX/36 |
Programme of Action of International Aviation and Climate Change - English only (10/09/10) |
A37-WP/187 Revision No. 1 EX/36 |
Revision No. 1 (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/188 EX/37 |
Taxation on emissions from aircraft engines (10/09/10) |
A37-WP/216 EX/38 |
Indonesia's action plan on aviation and climate change - English only (15/09/10) |
A37-WP/217 EX/39 |
Development of a global framework for addressing civil aviation CO2 emissions (15/09/10) |
A37-WP/234 EX/40 |
Expansion of the fellowship training programme of the Republic of Korea jointly established with ICAO (Information paper) - English only (16/09/10) |
A37-WP/237 EX/41 |
ICAO policy on language services (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/240 EX/42 |
Action plan of Costa Rica and collaboration between countries for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions - English and Spanish only (22/09/10) |
A37-WP/241 EX/43 |
Airports and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management (Information paper) - English only (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/247 EX/44 |
Development and implementation of an African Security Road Map (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/248 EX/45 |
Implementation Support and Development (ISD) - Aviation security activities (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/249 EX/46 |
Providing instruction to USAP auditors in the harmonization of criteria (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/250 EX/47 |
AVSEC Operational procedures development initiative and States' discretionary power in respect of documents detailing such procedures (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/251 EX/48 |
South African position on consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection - climate change - English only (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/252 EX/49 |
Strengthening global aviation security by leveraging industry operational capabilities and technical expertise (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/255 EX/50 |
Long-term development plans of the Republic of Korea for civil aviation security - English only (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/256 EX/51 |
Proposal to establish guidelines on human factors in civil aviation security (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/257 EX/52,EC/18 |
Secure Freight Programme (Information paper) - English only (20/09/10) |
A37-WP/262 EX/53 |
International aviation and climate change – Proposal for Assembly Resolution (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/269 EX/54 |
Current issues on ICAO activities and policy regarding Technical Co-operation - English only (22/09/10) |
A37-WP/269 Revision No. 1 EX/54 |
Revision No. 1 (24/09/10) |
A37-WP/270 EX/55 |
Review of night curfew restrictions - English only (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/271 Revision No. 1 EX/56 |
Revision No. 1 (29/09/10) |
A37-WP/271 EX/56 |
Strengthening ICAO's leadership in emissions trading (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/272 EX/57 |
Feasibility assessment of the goal of carbon-neutral growth for international air transport 2020 - Chinese and English only (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/274 EX/58 |
Enhancing the level of aviation security by providing high quality training (Information paper) - English only (21/09/10) |
A37-WP/275 EX/59 |
International civil aviation and climate change (23/09/10) |
A37-WP/276 EX/60 |
Effectiveness indicators for the Technical Cooperation Programme (22/09/10) |
A37-WP/279 EX/61 |
Development of new teaching material in civil aviation security matters (023/09/10) |
A37-WP/282 EX/62 |
Experiences in the procedure to certify the competence of aviation security personnel in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Information paper) (23/09/10) |
A37-WP/283 EX/63 |
Asia-Pacific Aviation Security Action Plan (AP-ASAP) - English only (23/09/10) |
A37-WP/284 EX/64 |
Aviation Security point of contact network - English only (23/09/10) |
A37-WP/285 EX/65 |
Aviation security activities and responses to threats in Nepal - English only (23/09/10) |
A37-WP/297 EX/66 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Items 13, 14 and 15 (30/09/10) |
A37-WP/298 EX/67 |
Respecting human rights and dignity and avoiding unnecessary costs when applying security policy (Information paper) - English only (27/09/10) |
A37-WP/299 EX/68 |
Assisting States in rectifying deficiencies identified through the second cycle of Universal Security Audit Programme audits (Information paper) - English only (27/09/10) |
A37-WP/304 EX/69 |
International aviation and climate change – Proposal for Assembly resolution - English only (27/09/10) |
A37-WP/305 EX/70 |
Proposal to hold the ICAO Assembly sessions every two years - English and Arabic only (27/09/10) |
A37-WP/306 EX/71 |
Increasing the efficiency and productivity of ICAO - Arabic and English only (27/09/10) |
A37-WP/316 EX/72 |
International aviation and climate change: de minimis provisions - English only (29/9/10) |
A37-WP/334 EX/73 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 17 (Section on General provisions, Noise and Local Air Quality) (01/10/10) |
A37-WP/340 EX/74 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 16 (01/10/10) |
A37-WP/341 EX/75 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 12 (01/10/10) |
A37-WP/343 EX/76 |
Draft text for the General Section of the Executive Committee's Report and draft text on Agenda Item 10 (01/10/10) |
A37-WP/344 EX/77 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 11 (01/10/10) |
A37-WP/345 EX/78 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Items 19 and 20 (01/10/10) |
A37-WP/353 EX/30 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 21 (02/10/10) |
A37-WP/365 EX/79 |
Draft text for the Report on Agenda Item 22 (02/10/10) |