Bureau of Administration and Services

The Bureau of Administration and Services (ADB) provides a wide range of services and activities to ensure that ICAO is able to undertake its mandate effectively and efficiently, including throughout its pandemic response and transition to the next normal. The results-based management and performance-oriented organizational culture at heart of ADB’s approach is key to the Organization’s satisfaction of the needs of Member States, industry stakeholders, and the community broadly speaking. 

The Bureau performs its functions through the provision of high-quality human resources, business acumen, multilingual support, event and venue management, and revenue generating activites. 

ADB focuses on the attraction, retention and motivation of a competent and diverse international workforce in order to meet the changing needs of the Organization, while ensuring that the well-being and professional development of staff are fully supported, particularly within the context of the pandemic and the challenges associated with remote working. 

The Bureau promotes the highest standards of work ethics and conduct as well as effective performance management to support a results-oriented organizational culture, which are complemented by strategic training and staff development activities. 

ICAO has successfully and securely delivered a digital transformation, where the entire workforce is now remote and meetings take place virtually. This new way of working will remain for the future, with ADB’s ICT and Information Security services fully committed to addressing opportunities and issues as they continue to emerge. 

To continuously deliver high-quality documentation in a timely manner and ensure parity among all six languages, both in terms of simultaneous distribution of documents and in the provision of skilled interpretation, ADB is implementing leading technologies and techniques. 

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