WP/01 | 1 | Provisional agenda and schedule / Orden del día provisional y horario, Presented by the Secretariat. | 24/08/22 |  |  |
WP/02 | 2.1 | Conclusions and Decisions of previous meetings that impact the activities of the NACC/WG / Conclusiones y Decisiones de reuniones previas que impactan las actividades del NACC/WG, Presented by the Secretariat. | 25/08/22 | | |
WP/03 | 2.3 | Developments in grepecas projects / Avances en los proyectos de GREPECAS, Presented by the Secretariat. | 02/08/22 |  | |
WP/04 | 3 | North American, Central American and Caribbean Working Group (NACC/WG) / Grupo de Trabajo de Norteamérica, Centroamérica y Caribe (NACC/WG), Presented by the Secretariat | 02/08/22 |  | |
WP/05 | 3.1 | Status of activities of the AIDC Task Force, Presented by the AIDC Task Force Rapporteur | 26/08/22 | | -- |
WP/06 | 3.1 | AIM TF Progress Report / Informe de avance del AIM TF, Presented by the Secretaria. | 28/08/22 |  |  |
WP/07 | 3.1 | Progress report by the Air traffic flow management (ATFM) Task Force / Informe de avance del Grupo de tarea de implementación de la Gestión de la afluencia de tránsito aéreo (ATFM/TF), Presented by the ATFM Task Force Rapporteur | 25/08/22 | |  |
WP/08 | 3.1 | Preparation for the Seventh Edition of GANP/ASBU / Preparativos para la séptima edición del GANP/ASBU, Presented by the ASBU Task Force Rapporteur. | 02/08/22 |  |  |
WP/09 | 3.1 | The ASBU Task Force: Recommendations The Terms of Reference (TOR), work program, and membership Point of Contact (POC) list / El Grupo de tarea ASBU: recomendaciones a los Términos de referencia (TOR), programa de trabajo y lista de membresía de Puntos de contacto (POC), Presented by the ASBU Task Force Rapporteur. | 02/08/22 | |  |
WP/10 | 3.1 | Progress report on Surveillance Task Force Work Programme / Informe de avance sobre el programa de trabajo del Grupo de tarea de vigilancia, Presented by the Surveillance Task Force Rapporteur | 08/08/22 | |  |
WP/11 | 3.1 | Guide for States on parameters to monitor the performance of ADS-B systems / Guía para los Estados sobre parámetros para monitorear el desempeño de los sistemas ADS-B, Presented by the Surveillance Task Force Rapporteur. | 02/08/22 |  |  |
WP/12 | 3.1 | Technical assistance and collaboration for the installation of statistical analysis software of ADS-B aeronautical surveillance systems / Asistencia técnica y colaboración para instalación de software de análisis estadístico de sistemas de vigilancia aeronáutico ADS-B, Presented by Cuba. | 08/08/22 |  |  |
WP/13 | 3.1 | Air Space Optimization / Optimización del espacio aéreo , Presented by the AO Task Force Rapporteur. | 29/08/22 |  | |
WP/14 | 3.1 | Progress report of the Search and Rescue Implementation Task Force (SAR/TF) / Informe de avances del Grupo de tarea de implementación de búsqueda y salvamento (SAR/TF), Presented by the SAR/TF Rapporteur | 02/08/22 |  | |
WP/15 | 3.1 | Verification of the Basic Building Blocks (BBB) for MET in the CAR region / Verificación de los Elementos constitutivos básicos (BBB) MET en la región CAR, Presented by the Secretariat. | 29/08/22 |  |  |
WP/16 | 3.2 | Status of activities in Aerodromes and Ground Aids / Estado de actividades en aeródromos y ayudas terrestres, Presented by the Secretariat. | 21/08/22 | |  |
WP/17 | 3.3 | Operation and performance of the MEVA III Network in the period 06/2021 – 07/2022 / Operación y desempeño de la red MEVA III en el periodo 06/2021 – 07/2022, Presented by the MEVA/TMG Rapporteur. | 28/08/22 | |  |
WP/18 | 3.1 | E/CAR/NTG/11 - E/CAR/RD/9 Meetings Ad-hoc groups report / Informe de las reuniones de los Grupos Ad-hoc E/CAR/NTG/11 - E/CAR/RD/9, Presented by the E/CAR/NTG Rapporteur. | 28/07/22 |  |  |
WP/20 | 4.3 | AIM/CAR Workshop on datasets and electronic aeronautical charts (eCharts) / Taller AIM/CAR sobre conjuntos de datos y cartas aeronáuticas electrónicas (eCHARTS), Presented by the Secretariat. | 04/08/22 | |  |
WP/21 | 3.1 | New 7th Edition of the 8126 Aeronautical Information Services Manual / Nueva 7º edición del Manual de servicios de información aeronáutica 8126, Presented by the Secretariat. | 08/08/22 |  |  |
WP/22 | 3.1 | AIM Deficiencies / Deficiencias AIM, Presented by the Secretariat. | 10/08/22 | |  |
WP/23 Rev | 4.3 | AIM regional guidance and planning - AIM partnership plan (CAR) - AIM TRACKING WEBSITE / Orientación y planificación regional de AIM - Plan de colaboración de AIM (CAR) - Sitio web de seguimiento de AIM, Presented by the Secretariat. | 29/08/22 |  | |
WP/24 | 4.3 | Rendimiento humano y factores humanos en AIM / Human performance and human factors in AIM, Presented by the Secretariat | 26/08/22 |  | |
WP/25 | 3.1 | Progress report on CAR region contingency planning and response / Informe de progreso de la planificación y respuesta a contingencias de la región CAR, Presented by the Secretariat. | 29/08/22 |  |  |
WP/27 | 3.1 | Follow up on the activities for better frequency management in the region / Seguimiento de las actividades para una mejor gestión de frecuencias en la región, Presented by the Frequency Management Rapporteur. | 26/08/22 |  |  |
WP/28 | 4.2 | Report on the progress in the formulation and management of Volume III of the Air Navigation Plan of the CAR/SAM Regions / replacement of the RPBANIP / Informe del avance en la formulación y gestión del Volumen III del Plan de navegación aérea de las regiones CAR/SAM / reemplazo del RPBANIP, Presented by the Secretariat. | 29/08/22 |  |  |
WP/29 | 4.3 | States’ Action Plans (SAP) on CO2 emissions reduction activities / Planes de acción de los Estados (SAP) para las actividades de reducción de emisiones de CO2, Presented by the Secretariat. | 30/08/22 |  |  |
WP/30 | 4.3 | Dashboards for Air Navigation Services / Cuadros de mando para los servicios de navegación aérea, Presented by the Secretariat. | 29/08/22 | |  |
WP/33 | 4.4 | Development and updating of air navigation plans of CAR States / Desarrollo y actualización de los planes de navegación aérea de los Estados CAR, Presented by the Secretariat. | 29/08/22 |  |  |
WP/34 | 4.5 | Cybersecurity in Air Navigation Services / Ciberseguridad en los servicios de navegación aérea, Presented by the Secretariat. | 30/08/22 |  |  |
WP/35 | 4.5 | Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems / Integración de los Sistemas de aeronaves no tripuladas, Presented by the Secretaria. | 30/08/22 |  |  |
WP/36 | 3.1 | Green ATM Accreditation Programme - Supporting operational measures for green aviation / Programa de acreditación ATM verde - Medidas operativas de apoyo para la aviación verde, Presented by CANSO. | 03/08/22 |  |  |
WP/37 | 3.1 | Emergency and contingency response planning in Central America / Planificación de respuesta ante emergencias y contingencias en Centroamérica, Presented by COCESNA. | 11/08/22 |  |  |
WP/38 | 2.2 | Central American experience on the continuity of aeronautical services through COCESNA during the COVID-19 PANDEMIC / Experiencia centroamericana sobre la continuidad de los servicios aeronáuticos a través de COCESNA durante la pandemia COVID-19, Presented by COCESNA. | 11/08/22 | |  |
WP/39 | 3.1 | Interferences due to 5-G implementation in Central America / Interferencias por implementación 5-G en Centroamérica, Presented by COCESNA. | 11/08/22 |  |  |
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