Electronic Regional Air Navigation Plan (eANP)

The regional ANPs represent the bridge between, from one side, the global provisions in the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), and from the other side, the States’ national plans and current implementation.
The ANPs have so far been developed to set forth, in detail, the facilities, services and procedures required for international air navigation within a specified region(s) and they also contained planning and guidance material.

Following the Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12) Recommendation 6/1 — Regional performance framework – planning methodologies and tools to align the ANSPs with the fourth edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) (Doc 9750), ICAO conducted since 2013 and 2014 several activities through the ad-hoc of the eANP Working Group resulting in the adoption of regional ANP template in 22 April 2014, that included changes to the regional ANPs with a new structure, format and content. Furthermore Recommendation 1/2 - Implementation of the AN-Conf/12, as well as the new developments related to the performance based approach, the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) methodology, it was agreed that the new ANP should also include elements related to the monitoring of the status of implementation, at least related to the ASBU modules.


CAR/SAM Air Navigation Plan (ANPs) Vol. I Approved: 13 April 2016

NAM eANP VOL I, October 2017

CAR/SAM Air Navigation Plan (ANPs) Vol. II Approved: April 2020

​CAR/SAM Air Navigation Plan, Vol. III, ver 0.1: November 2023

The objectives and purpose of regional Air Navigation Plans (ANPs) are the following:

  • the ANPs define the planning and implementation of air navigation systems within a specified region(s), in accordance with the agreed global and regional planning framework. They are developed to meet those needs of specific areas not covered in the worldwide provisions. The development and maintenance of the ANPs is undertaken by ICAO PIRGs with the assistance of the ICAO Secretariat.
  • the ANPs are used as a repository document for the assignment of responsibilities to States for the provision of air navigation facilities and services within a specified area in accordance with Article 28 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300).
  • the ANPs contain requirements related to the facilities and services to be implemented by States in accordance with regional air navigation agreements. The procedural parts of ANPs related with procedures are published in the ICAO Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPs) (Doc 7030).
  • the ANPs contain provisions that States can follow in programming the provision of their air navigation facilities and services, with the assurance that facilities and services furnished in accordance with the plan will form with those of other States an integrated system adequate for the foreseeable future.
  • the ANPs may serve as a basis for air navigation service charges which are levied for services provided or made available to users, in accordance with ICAO’s Policies on Charges for Airports and Air Navigation Services (Doc 9082) and ICAO Manual on Air Navigation Services Economics (Doc 9161).
  • the ANPs support the performance-based approach to planning adopted by ICAO to measure the efforts made by States in implementing the agreed requirements.
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