Radio Frequency Assignment Lists - CAR Region

List 1

List of Facilities Operating on Frequencies in the LF/MF Band (190-1750 kHz)​ -          December 2024.

​List 2

​Record of VHF Frequency Assignments to Caribbean VOR and ILS Radio Navigation Aids -   December 2024.

​List 3

​List of Frequency Assignments in the Band 117.975 - 137.000 MHz - February 2025.

COM List Explanatory Information

​COM List 1
COM List 2​ Rev.
COM List 3​ Rev.

CAR/SAM Air Navigation Plan Ref​erences

​Planning Principles for the Aeronautical Radio Navigation Aids
AM(R)S Planning Principles
VHF Band Geographical Separation Criteria
AM(R) VHF Sub-Bands Allotment Table

Regional Assignment of Interrogator Identifier (II) Codes

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