​First NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group (ANI/WG) Search and Rescue (SAR) Implementation Task Force Meeting (ANI/WG/SAR/TF/1)

Mexico City, Mexico, 17 – 19 September 2019



​Invitation Letter
Final Report
​Group Photo​ ​


Working Papers






​WP/01​1​Adoption of the Provisional Agenda and Schedule, Presented by the Secretariat.23/07/19
WP/02​​4.2​GADSS Appendix to the CAR Regional Search and Rescue Plan – United States, Presented by United States16/08/19
​WP/03​​4.2GADSS Appendix to the CAR Regional Search and Rescue Plan – France, Presented by United States16/08/19​
​WP/04​​4.2GADSS Appendix to the CAR Regional Search and Rescue – Cospas - Sarsat, Presented by United States16/08/19
​WP/05​​3.2Update of Cospas-Sarsat Section in the CAR Regional SAR Plan, Presented by United States16/08/19
​WP/06​​3.2Apéndice del GADSS al Plan Regional SAR para la Región CAR – Estados Unidos (available only in Spanish), Presented by Cuba29/08/19​--​
​WP/07​​2.1Proposal of the Terms of Reference, Presented by the Secretariat30/08/19​
WP/08​​​3.2Review of the CAR Regional Search and Rescue Plan, Presented by the Secretariat02/09/19​
​WP/09​​3.1 & 3.3SAR Planning and Future Activities, Presented by the Secretariat​02/09/19
WP/10​3.2​​Importance of the CAR Regional SAR Plan, Presented by Dominican Republic06/09/19​
​NE/11​4.1​Informe Reunión/Centro Coordinador de Búsqueda y Salvamento-RCC, Sub-centros Coordinadores de Búsqueda y Salvamento-RSC y Unidades de Primera Respuesta, Décima Novena Reunión COBUSA (available only in Spanish), Presented by COBUSA.






Information Papers








-​​List of Working, Information Papers and Presentations, Presented by the Secretariat20/09/19​
​NI/02​4.3​Acuerdo de Colaboración Interinstitucional entre el Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil (IDAC) y el Ejército de República Dominicana (ERD) (available only in Spanish), Presented by Dominican Republic29/07/19​--​
​NI/03​​4.3Acuerdo de Colaboración Interinstitucional entre el Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil (IDAC) y la Armada de la República Dominicana (ARD) (available only in Spanish), Presented by Dominican Republic​29/07/19​--
​NI/04​​4.3Acuerdo de Colaboración Interinstitucional entre el Instituto Dominicano de Aviación Civil (IDAC) y la Fuerza Aérea de la República Dominicana (FARD) (available only in Spanish), Presented by Dominican Republic29/07/19​​--
​NI/05​​4.4Elaboración Base de Datos SAR en la XIII Conferencia de Ministros de Defensa de América (CMDA) (available only in Spanish), Presented by Dominican Republic​02/09/19​--
​IP/06​4.1​Search and Rescue Services in Trinidad and Tobago (disponible únicamente en inglés), Presented by Trinidad and Tobago.​17/09/19​--









​P/01​4.1​Autonomous Distress Tracking (ADT), Presented by United States15/08/19
​P/02​4.1​eXpert SAR Tracking System (disponible únicamente en inglés), Presented by COCESNA.03/09/19--​
​P/03​4.3​Dominican Naval Auxiliary (disponible únicamente en inglés), Presented by Dominican Republic.09/09/19--​
P/04​​4.1​Overview of Search and Rescue Services (SARs) in Trinidad and Tobago and the PIARCO FIR (ANI/WG/SAR/TF/1 - IP06) (disponible únicamente en inglés), Presented by Trinidad and Tobago19/09/19​--





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