Strategic Objective A – Safety – Safety Audits


Safety Management

Runway and Aerodrome Safety

Operational and On-board Safety

Accident Investigation

Safety Audits

Monitoring and Assistance Review Board


Regional Safety Coordination

Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects

Other Safety Initiatives

Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency

Performance-based Navigation

Air Traffic Management: Airspace


Aviation Frequency Spectrum

Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation

Emergency Response



Safety Audits


Continuous Monitoring Approach


Pursuant to Assembly Resolution A37-5, the evolution of the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) to a Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) continued in 2013.


The tools required for the conduct of CMA activities were enhanced and made available for interactive use in ‘real time’ on the CMA online framework (OLF). Additional supporting guidance material and documentation for CMA was developed, including tutorials on the use of the OLF.


Computer-based training (CBT) was conducted to prepare auditors and experts to perform CMA activities, including ICAO Coordinated Validation Missions (ICVMs) and USOAP CMA audits. CBT was also used as familiarization training for States’ employees on the methodology and other aspects of the programme. As of the end of 2013, 205 participants from 27 States and 6 international organizations had received the USOAP auditor / ICVM training, and 239 participants from 62  States and 6 international organizations had taken the familiarization training.


In addition, ICAO conducted 8 seminar/workshops in all ICAO Regions to assist Member States in their preparation for the CMA. The seminar/workshops were attended by 291 participants from 72 States and 6 international organizations.


ICVMs were conducted in 24 Member States to determine whether previously identified safety deficiencies had been satisfactorily resolved. In addition, 8 USOAP CMA audits were conducted during this period. State activities are continuously monitored through the CMA online framework which is available for interactive use in ‘real time’ through a suite of web-based integrated application systems.


The 38th Session of the Assembly endorsed the decision of the Council on the sharing of unresolved Significant Safety Concerns (SSCs) with the public commencing in January 2014. ICAO Regional Offices were actively involved in the development of State-specific Plans of Action that provide a framework for assisting States to resolve, in a timely manner, ICAO-identified SSCs and/or safety oversight deficiencies. ICAO Regional Offices presented the Plans of Action to Member States, at the ministerial level, for endorsement and commitment to carrying them out. They also worked with States through on-site activities, such as USOAP CMA audits, limited USOAP CMA audits and ICVMs.


The Quality Management System of the Continuous Monitoring Oversight Section was audited in October and re-certified to ISO 9001:2008 standard for quality management systems.

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