Promoting Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness of Security Measures
AVSEC World Conference
Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP)
Aviation Security and Facilitation Assistance and Capacity-Building
Developments pertaining to Annex 9 - Facilitation
Developments pertaining to the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)
Developments pertaining to the ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD)
Cooperation with other United Nations Bodies and International Organizations
Monitoring and Assistance Review Board (MARB)
Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)
Developments pertaining to the ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD)
ICAO continued to promote ICAO PKD membership through a series of workshops and regional seminars. One new participant — Colombia — joined the ICAO PKD during the course of the year, bringing the total number of participants to 46.
In March, the contract for the provision of the ICAO PKD was signed. Bundesdruckerei GmbH will be the prime Contractor for the complete design, development and operation of the PKD. Under this new contract, registration fees for new PKD participants will decrease from USD 56 000 to USD 15 900, and annual fees for existing participants will similarly be reduced. The transition between the previous and the new provider is still ongoing and is expected to be completed by April 2016