Strategic Objective — Environmental Protection — Technical Cooperation and Technical Assistance Projects (TCB)

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Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)



Technical Cooperation and Technical Assistance Projects (TCB)


During 2015, there were eight national and no regional active technical cooperation projects related to the improvement of environmental protection.


The Secretariat cooperation between the Air Transport Bureau (ATB) and Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB) is well under way. This initiative will provide support to the development of Indonesia’s State action plan, and the action plans of other States.


TCB provided assistance to the ICAO ATB’s Environment Branch in procuring desktop computers for the beneficiary States involved in the “ICAO-EU Capacity Building Assistance Project for CO2 Mitigation from International Civil Aviation” .


Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region  



Implementation of a capacity-building programme on environmental protection for 15 national staff and 50 additional national stakeholders through the delivery of nine environment-related workshops, a three-month English proficiency course, a two-day on-the-job training (OJT) in Air Travel Demand Analysis, the organization of one international event and a three-month fellowship for two senior DGCA staff members;​



​Review and amendment of the State action plan on international aviation greenhouse gas emissions reductions for one State; and


•​ ​Assistance to one State in the preparation of three Memoranda of Understanding (MOU), two of which have been signed, with a State aviation authority and two aircraft manufacturers to cooperate in environmental matters.

Technical assistance projects and activities
During 2015, there were no national or regional active technical assistance projects related to the improvement of environmental protection implemented through TCB.

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