Promoting Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness of Security Measures
AVSEC World Conference
Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP)
Aviation Security and Facilitation Assistance and Capacity-Building
Developments pertaining to Annex 9 - Facilitation
Developments pertaining to the ICAO Traveller Identification Programme (TRIP)
Developments pertaining to the ICAO Public Key Directory (PKD)
Cooperation with other United Nations Bodies and International Organizations
Monitoring and Assistance Review Board (MARB)
Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)
The December 2014 signing of the Industry High-level Group (IHLG) Civil Aviation Cybersecurity Action Plan by ICAO, Airports Council International (ACI), the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industry Associations (ICCAIA) represented an important development in efforts to address cyber threats. This document establishes clear timeframes for the achievement of goals and targets facilitating the development of a common understanding of cyber threats and risks and the development of information-sharing mechanisms necessary for prompt communication between government and industry stakeholders.
Throughout 2015, the IHLG continued to promote consistent and coherent approaches in managing cyber threats and risks. It also encouraged the development of a robust cybersecurity culture in all organizations involved in international civil aviation while identifying and sharing best practices.
Recognizing the importance of consolidating all relevant publications on cybersecurity for the benefit of ICAO Member States, a secure repository site entitled “Cybersecurity” was created. It can be accessed from the ICAO Secure Portal. The repository is continuously updated and currently includes a number of publications addressing sector-specific cybersecurity needs.