Home page (Environmental Protection)
Global Market-based Measures (MBM) Scheme
Committee on Aviation and Environmental Protection (CAEP)
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Carbon Inventory and Climate Neutral Initiative
ICAO Environmental Tools
Environmental Seminar
State Action Plans
Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Environmental Work
Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)
Cooperation with Other United Nations Bodies
ICAO’s work in the field of environmental protection, and notably climate change activities, involved cooperation with a number of other United Nations bodies, in particular the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its working groups. ICAO also participated in meetings of the United Nations Environment Management Group (EMG), United Nations Issue Management Groups (IMGs), United Nations High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP) Working Group on Climate Change, and meetings in preparation of the 2014 UN Climate Summit coordinated by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).
UNFCCC Process
ICAO participated in the Climate Change Conference in Lima, Peru, in December, which encompassed a number of other meetings, notably the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP20) to the UNFCCC, the 41st Session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA41), and the seventh part of the 2nd session of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP 2-7). ICAO submitted a report and provided a statement to SBSTA outlining the achievements on actions requested by the 38th Session of the Assembly.
In addition, ICAO held a side event at COP20 focusing on alternative fuels and sustainable energy, the States’ action plan initiative and ICAO’s joint assistance projects with other international organizations.
Discussions at COP20 included the definition of main elements for a 2015 agreement on climate change, and opportunities for raising pre-2020 ambitions. Under the SBSTA session, ICAO’s statement and submission on recent developments related to aviation and climate change were well received by the Parties. Referring to paragraph 30 of ICAO Assembly Resolution A38-18, several Parties reiterated their concern regarding the use of international aviation as a potential source for the mobilization of revenue for climate finance. Meetings were held with the UNFCCC Secretariat in order to further cooperation on the development of methodologies for estimating the environmental benefits of improved aviation measures. ICAO was invited to continue to provide updates to the UNFCCC process and will closely follow up if, and how, issues related to international aviation will be incorporated into the 2015 agreement.
UN Climate Summit
In September, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon held the UN Climate Summit in order to catalyze action on climate change and build a solid foundation on which to anchor successful negotiations and sustained progress towards the 2015 agreement. Held at UN Headquarters in New York, the Summit brought together more than 120 Heads of State and Government, together with government ministers and representatives from international organizations, as well as leaders from the business, finance, civil society and local communities.
One of the key objectives of the Summit was to showcase the partnerships between UN agencies, governments and industry. ICAO was invited to participate in the Summit as a prime example of a long-standing, successful partnership with the aviation industry to progress shared environmental objectives. In light of this focus on partnerships, ICAO contributed to the Summit jointly with the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG).
ICAO organized a reception on the day preceding the Summit to recognize aviation partnerships and highlight achievements by the sector in contributing to global efforts on climate change. In addition ICAO participated in the “Transport Policy Room” and delivered an action statement during the “Multilateral and Multi-Stakeholder Action Announcements” session of the Summit.