Strategic Objective — Environmental Protection — Committee on Aviation and Environmental Protection (CAEP)

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Global Market-based Measures (MBM) Scheme

Committee on Aviation and Environmental Protection (CAEP)

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Committee on Aviation and Environmental Protection (CAEP)


The CAEP Steering Group meeting was held in Denpasar, Indonesia, in September. The objective of the meeting was to review the activities of the CAEP working groups and to provide guidance with respect to preparations for the next Steering Group meeting in Montréal, 20-24 July 2015.


Market-based Measures (MBMs)
Progress was made by CAEP on the technical work on the global MBM scheme, including monitoring reporting and verification (MRV), and emission unit criteria. A review was completed of existing and emerging MRV procedures and requirements that relate to aviation and broader methodologies related to fuel burn and CO2 emissions. CAEP also undertook the impact analysis of the Strawman as requested by the EAG and Council.


ICAO Aeroplane CO2 Emissions Standard


Development of the CO2 Standard for new aeroplane types remains on track, and a recommendation to the CAEP/10 meeting in February 2016 is expected. The Secretariat liaised closely with an Air Navigation Commission (ANC) ad-hoc group on the CO2 Standard development, so as to facilitate its adoption process.


ICAO Aircraft Engine Particulate Matter (PM) Standard


CAEP continued to work on the development of a new ICAO non-volatile Particulate Matter (nvPM) Standard. The acquisition of PM measurement data remains a key issue, and the current paucity of data and resource constraints will prevent the delivery of a full PM Standard at the CAEP/10 meeting. CAEP aims to recommend a transition Standard, in Annex 16, Volume II, at the CAEP/10 meeting, which is correlated to the current smoke number regulatory level, before developing a full Landing Take-Off (LTO)-based nvPM Standard by the CAEP/11 meeting in February 2019.


ASBUs Environmental Benefits


The initial results of the ASBU environmental benefits analysis were published in the 2014 ICAO Air Navigation Report and have been well received. CAEP is in the process of conducting a robust analysis of ASBU Block 0. An ICAO State letter was issued requesting ASBU Block 0 implementation data to support this analysis. CAEP is also planning for a future analysis of environmental benefits associated with the implementation of ASBU Block 1 modules.


Review of the Airport Planning Manual, Part 2


CAEP is in the process of reviewing and updating the Airport Planning Manual (Doc 9184) — Part 2, Land Use and Environmental Control, to include a new chapter on eco-friendly airport planning and best practices in land-use planning and management. CAEP undertook a full review of the manual and proposed some updates to the existing chapters of Doc 9184 to be coherent with a new chapter entitled “Infrastructure for Environmental Management” including adding two new appendices: Appendix 4 — Case Studies on Heritage Considerations and Appendix 5 — Case Studies on Resilience to Climate Change. As agreed at the last CAEP Steering Group, the delivery of the new updates to the other portions of Doc 9184 will be for the CAEP/11 cycle.


Aircraft Noise


CAEP began exploring the need for future work on potential noise certification of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and a study is underway of helicopter noise, including the extent of the noise problem, and the state of helicopter noise technology advancements. Work on a noise certification Standard for future supersonic aircraft remains ongoing. This includes work on certification procedures and tracking the latest supersonic aircraft research.


Alternative Fuels


Advances were made by CAEP with respect to assessment of the potential range of emissions reductions from the use of alternative fuels to 2050. This includes projecting the production of alternative jet fuels to 2050 and developing a methodology for the assessment of fuels life-cycle emissions for the purpose of ICAO’s environmental trends projections, and as the suggested methodology for the action plans. Regarding the assessment of life-cycle emissions from alternative fuels for a global market-based measure (MBM), it was agreed to develop a methodology to assess life-cycle emissions from alternative fuels for use in an MBM monitoring reporting and verification (MRV) system.

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