Strategic Objective — Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency — Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)

Global Air Navigation Priorities

New and Emerging Activities

Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)


Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)


During 2014, there were 24 national and 16 regional operationally active technical cooperation projects which assisted civil aviation administrations and international airports to improve air navigation capacity and efficiency. Major achievements over the period included:


Africa-Indian Ocean (AFI) Region


  • Development of a Civil Aviation Master Plan (CAMP) for one State;
  • Assessment of aerodromes in three States;
  • Continued provision of flight information services on behalf of one State;
  • Review and amendment of technical guidance material for certification and surveillance activities in the area of performance-based navigation (PBN) in one State;
  • Development of draft regulations and technical guidance material for air navigation safety (ANS) oversight in one State;
  • Assistance in identifying air traffic services (ATS) safety risks in one State;
  • Assistance in the precertification and certification activities of air navigation service providers and operators in one State through provision of on-the-job training;
  • Procurement of equipment for a flight information centre in one State;
  • Procurement of anemometers for three airports in one State;
  • Conduct of site acceptance tests for the upgrade of three existing area control centres (ACC) in the ASECNA region and provision of related on-the-job training;
  • Conduct of preliminary site acceptance tests for the installation of two radars and two air traffic management (ATM) systems in the ASECNA region; and
  • Delivery of training to 92 national staff of 12 States in the areas of aeronautical meteorology and Air Navigation Services (ANS).


Asia and Pacific (APAC) Region


  • Continued assistance in pandemic preparedness planning to 20 States and Special Administrative Regions (SARs) through the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation – Asia Pacific (CAPSCA-AP) project through conduct of an annual meeting/seminar;
  • Continued assistance to 15 States and SARs with improvement of flight procedures through on-the-job training, delivery of PANS OPS Initial Course, Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Implementation Workshop, PBN Procedure Design Course, Flight Validation for Pilot Course, Procedure Design Quality Assurance Course and flight procedure review for five airports in three States;
  • Review and amendment of airworthiness, flight operations and air navigation regulations and guidance material in one State;
  • Development of documentation for the implementation of PBN and required navigation performance (RNP) in one State;
  • Development of equipment specifications for one State such as a multi-lateration system for airport surface movement coverage of runways, taxiways and aprons, an aeronautical telecommunications network (ATN), an aeronautical message handling system (AMHS) and connected services (automatic dependent surveillance-contract (ADS-C)/controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC)/ATS inter-facility data-link communications (AIDC)), an air traffic management (ATM) flight data processing system, communications, navigation and surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) systems, voice and radar recording systems, a fully automated voice switch, and a radar/automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) and very-high frequency (VHF) local and remote communications network;
  • Development of specifications for the relocation and construction of a new area control centre (ACC) and tower complex in one State;
  • Development and start of the implementation of a modernization plan for institutional strengthening of CNS/ATM instructor training in one State;
  • Assessment of the impact of civil works on the CNS equipment of an airport in one State;
  • Finalization of the Quality Management System (QMS) programme for a civil aviation training institute in one State;
  • Conduct of an on-site assessment of manoeuvring and movement areas of an airport terminal complex in one State;
  • Delivery of training to 97 national staff of 18 States in the areas of performance-based navigation (PBN), flight procedure design both initial and PBN, PBN training for air traffic services (ATS), and flight validation for pilots; and
  • Delivery of training to 46 national staff of 15 States in the areas of aerodromes (Annex 14 — Aerodromes), air navigation policy, airport engineering (planning, design and construction), airport operation, airport terminal operation, automatic radar terminal system (ARTS), DVOR/DME, ILS maintenance, navaids installation and operation and radar approach control under the Developing Countries Training Programmes of two States.


Caribbean and South American (CAR/SAM) Region


  • Acquisition, installation and maintenance of equipment for six States such as primary and secondary radar, voice switching, very-high frequency (VHF) communications systems, including automatic terminal information services (ATIS) for approach and aerodrome control, VHF communication equipment for area control, aeronautical telecommunication network (ATN), radio links, audio recording system associated with the air traffic control (ATC) voice control system (VCS), instrument landing systems (ILS), VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR), air traffic management (ATM) system, automated flight inspection system (AFIS), geographic information system (GIS), distance measuring equipment (DME), aeronautical message handling system (AMHS), and automated weather observing system (AWOS);
  • Implementation of a software solution for flight planning and meteorology control procedures for one State;
  • Construction of a remote ramp for one State;
  • Repair and maintenance of a passenger boarding bridge for one State;
  • Assistance in the implementation of performance-based air navigation systems in one State;
  • Extension of the MEVA II service contract for the provision of satellite-based operational aeronautical telecommunications services;
  • Preparation of a proposal of a sealed tender for the transition to the MEVA III network for one State;
  • Assistance in the operation and management of baggage handling systems (BHS) in two States;
  • Procurement of barcode readers and related training for one State;
  • Delivery of training to 22 national staff of three States in the areas of air traffic control (ATC) and performance-based navigation (PBN);
  • Procurement of voice switching equipment for four airports and one area control centre (ACC) for one State;
  • Procurement of VHS communications equipment for five airports to upgrade the aeronautical telecommunications network (ATN) as well as three radio links, instrument landing system (ILS), a very high frequency omnidirectional radio range (VOR) equipment, one aeronautical flight information system (AFIS), one geographical information system (GIS), one flight distance measuring system (DMS) and three air traffic management systems (ATM);
  • Implementation of air traffic control (ATC) automated systems, airspace design focused on PBN in one State;
  • Delivery of training in the areas of ATM operational concept and the technological support for CNS to 303 specialists from 12 States of the SAM Region, two States of the CAR Region and seven international organizations, including the award of 62 fellowships;
  • Assistance in the implementation of the REDDIG II network and provision of related training to technical staff of 13 States; and
  • Provision of training to participants from 12 States in area navigation and required navigation performance (RNAV/RNP).


Europe and Middle East (EUR/MID) Region


  • Review of airport development tenders for one State;
  • Assistance in the design review and factory acceptance testing for a new web-based pilot briefing system in one State;
  • Implementation of aeronautical message handling system (AMHS) and upgrade of major trunk circuits from aeronautical fixed telecommunication network (AFTN) to AMHS;
  • Assistance in Flight Information Region (FIR) realignment between two States;
  • Assistance to one State in the certification of new radar systems, provision of related training to local systems engineers on radar operations management, conduct of maintenance and performance checks of the newly acquired surveillance network and integration of the new radar assets into the automation systems;
  • Assistance to one State in the procurement of a nationwide automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) system;
  • Certification of advanced surface movement guidance and control systems (ASMGCS) at two international airports in one State;
  • Assistance to one State on the methodology and materials used to repair airfield pavements;
  • Review and amendment of ground handling regulations for one State; and
  • Delivery of training to 37 national staff of one State in the area of air traffic control (ATC).


Technical assistance projects and activities
During 2014, there were no national or regional operationally active technical assistance projects which assisted civil aviation administrations and international airports to improve their air navigation capacity and efficiency.



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