2013 Financial Highlights
Extracts of the Audited Financial Statements
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
Internal Control Framework (ICF)
Budget of the Organization for 2014-16
Evaluation and Internal Audit Office (EAO)
The Regular Programme Budget of the Organization for 2014-2015-2016 was approved in October 2013 during the 38th Session of the Assembly, as presented by the Council without any amendment. The budget continues to be established in Canadian dollars and prepared in a results-based framework.
The Council, to address in a more strategic manner the new priorities, issues and pressures facing global civil aviation, expanded the number and scope of the Strategic Objectives (SO) of the Organization from three to five, for 2014-2015-2016: (1) Safety; (2) Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency; (3) Security and Facilitation; (4) Economic Development of Air Transport; and (5) Environmental Protection. The budget reflects this new set of Strategic Objectives.
In addition, the main activities of the Organization, under the responsibility of either the Air Navigation Bureau or the Air Transport Bureau, are organized and standardized as part of a comprehensive cycle designed to achieve each SO. To better reflect how the substantive Bureaus are managed, the budget for the 2014-2015-2016 triennium is presented at the Function level as follows; Function 1: Direction; Function 2: Policy/Standardization; Function 3: Monitoring/Audit/Data; Function 4: Implementation/Capacity Building/Crisis Intervention: and Function 5: Analysis/Study/Foresight.
The Budget is a Zero Nominal Growth (ZNG) budget, based on maintaining the average Assessment of Member States for the next three years at the 2013 level, while retaining all important existing activities and incorporating incremental initiatives. To help achieve the stabilization of the Assessments, the Ancillary Revenue Generation Fund will continue to contribute to the Regular Budget. Approximately 62 per cent of the Budget of CAD 286.5 million is for programme-related activities and 38 per cent for support activities. Approximately a quarter of the Budget is for the Regional Offices.