Project RLA09801

Workshop on implementation of the National Plan for Operational Safety (NASP)
Mexico City, Mexico, 5 – 6 December 2022

Multi-Regional Civil Aviation Assistance Programme (MCAAP) Funds and Central America NASP Fund



​Invitation Letter
​Summary of Discussions









​Introduction to NASP / Introducción al NASP, Presented by the Secretariat.



Weaknesses and Priorities Identification / Identificación de Debilidades y Prioridades, Presented by the Secretariat.



​ICAO NACC Regional Office National Aviation Safety Plan Implementation Project / Proyecto de Implementación del Plan Nacional de Seguridad Operacional de la Aviación de la Oficina Regional NACC de la OACIPresented by the Secretariat.


SEIs Identification and Prioritization / Identificación y Priorización de SEIsPresented by Belize.


Safety Performance Measurement, Presented by Dominican Republic.



Setting goals, targets and indicatorsPresented by Dominican Republic.



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