Implementation Support — Technical Cooperation and Assistance — Recruitment of Field Experts

Recruitment of Field Experts




TCB’s Field Personnel Section (FPS) recruited and deployed 413 international field experts and consultants (289 for technical cooperation projects which included 116 for field operations and 173 for procurement, zero for technical assistance projects, 122 for Global Aviation Training (GAT), and two for the ICAO Programme for Aviation Volunteers (IPAV)). Of the 413 recruited and deployed field experts and consultants, 400 were male (97%) and 13 were female (3%). In addition, there were 47 international field experts and consultants whose contracts were carried over from 2017 to 2018, and 987 national project personnel who were serving as at 31 December 2018.


In summary, FPS administered a total of 1 447 field experts in 2018 (460 international experts and 987 local personnel). These experts served as advisers to national civil aviation administrations, as instructors at training centres or on the job, and, where States lacked the capabilities, as executive personnel providing governments with operational and administrative services, including safety inspections.


It is important to note that a total of 511 recruitment requests were raised and processed in 2018, out of which:


  • 454 recruitments were completed; of these, 413 experts were deployed in 2018, 27 are pending deployment in 2019 and 14 were cancelled after the recruitment was processed;
  • 29 recruitment requests were pending completion and were therefore carried over to 2019; and
  • 28 recruitment requests were cancelled before the finalization of the process.




TCB has maintained a gradual and consistent increase in the number of internationally recruited experts between 2014 and 2018, as reflected in Figure 2 above. During 2018, an increase of 32 per cent in the total number of recruitments of international field experts was registered as compared to 2017. This marked improvement resulted from the efficiency gains made through the enhancement of the e-Recruiter system.


TCB also ensures effective quality management of human resources by providing administrative support services to experts deployed to the field. This includes the administration of contracts, salaries, benefits and entitlements facilitating TCB’s retention of field personnel.




During the reporting period, TCB administered a total of 1 007 contracts for locally recruited personnel, out of which 20 were separated during the year, leaving the total number of local personnel at 987 for 2018.


Field service experts have continued to contribute to the achievement of ICAO’s Strategic Objectives by providing capacity-building support and knowledge transfer to support the implementation of ICAO’s Standards and Recommended Practices for a safe and secure global aviation system.

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