Implementation Support — Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development — Resource Mobilization

Resource Mobilization


In 2018, Qatar provided an un-earmarked contribution of CAD 1 million, supporting the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) global initiative. ICAO secured USD 110 000 from five donors, supporting collectively the Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) Aviation Needs Analysis Project. ICAO also secured USD 64 000 in support for the organization of the first ever Global Aviation Gender Summit. The United States FAA provided a USD 50 000 contribution for regional cyber tabletop exercises and training. In a strong indication that ICAO is strengthening its collaboration with regional economic communities, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) have respectively pledged USD 2.5 million and USD 127 000 for the West and Central Africa Air Transport Support Project (PASTA-CO).


In 2018, ICAO rolled out the China-supported Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Senior and Middle Managers Training Course offering 500 scholarships to CAA senior and middle managers from around 100 Member States and regional organizations in all seven ICAO Regions. Training was carried out over 21 sessions in English, French and Spanish, in the second half of 2018. While the project successfully closed in December 2018, ICAO is now following up with the Chinese government on the continuation of the training project which is in line with both the ICAO NCLB initiative and the Chinese foreign aid vision. ICAO is also closely working with China in facilitating the allocation of USD 2 million for Technical Cooperation in support of safety in the United Republic of Tanzania as well as Congo.

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