Supporting Implementation Strategies — Legal Services and External Relations — Special Group relating to conflict zones

36th Session of the Legal Committee

Study of legal issues relating to remotely piloted aircraft systems

Consideration of guidance on conflicts of interest in civil aviation

Promotion of international air law instruments

Safety aspects of economic liberalization and Article 83 bis

Special Group relating to conflict zones

Strategic Planning Group (SPG)

International interests in mobile equipment (aircraft equipment)



Special Group relating to conflict zones


The Special Group to Review the Application of ICAO Treaties Relating to Conflict Zones, chaired by Ms. K. Staples (United Kingdom), held its meeting at Montréal on 13-14 July.


The task of the Group was to review the application of the provisions relating to conflict zones in the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) and other ICAO treaties, with a view to strengthening the awareness and observance of those provisions. Among its conclusions, the Group recognized that at this stage, it has not identified any need to amend the Chicago Convention, in particular Articles 1, 3 bis, 9 and 89, or other treaties, while not excluding that such revisions might be necessary in future.

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