Supporting Implementation Strategies — Legal Services and External Relations — Consideration of guidance on conflicts of interest in civil aviation

36th Session of the Legal Committee

Study of legal issues relating to remotely piloted aircraft systems

Consideration of guidance on conflicts of interest in civil aviation

Promotion of international air law instruments

Safety aspects of economic liberalization and Article 83 bis

Special Group relating to conflict zones

Strategic Planning Group (SPG)

International interests in mobile equipment (aircraft equipment)



Consideration of guidance on conflicts of interest in civil aviation


A study on the consideration of guidance on Conflicts Of Interest (COI) was initiated on 11 June 2014, when States were requested in State Letter LE 4/69-14/40 to complete, by 15 August 2014, a survey on the treatment of conflicts of interest in civil aviation in their respective jurisdictions.


The Secretariat reported to the 36th Session of the Legal Committee that most of the 43 States that responded to the survey have in place a framework dealing with conflicts of interest which they consider to be effective. States in their deliberations at the Committee indicated their ongoing interest in work on the subject.


The following next steps were identified by the Committee in continuing work on the item:  



Interested States will prepare and present to the 39th Session of the Assembly a resolution that urges States to develop a legal framework and cooperate in order to share their best practices in dealing with COI; and ​


​b) ​States that have not already done so were encouraged to respond to the COI survey that remains open. At the same time the Secretariat will collate information from States concerning their best practices as well as the rules and guidance material available within ICAO on this subject.


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