Supporting Implementation Strategies — Legal Services and External Relations — Safety aspects of economic liberalization and Article 83 bis

36th Session of the Legal Committee

Study of legal issues relating to remotely piloted aircraft systems

Consideration of guidance on conflicts of interest in civil aviation

Promotion of international air law instruments

Safety aspects of economic liberalization and Article 83 bis

Special Group relating to conflict zones

Strategic Planning Group (SPG)

International interests in mobile equipment (aircraft equipment)



Safety aspects of economic liberalization and Article 83 bis


The Article 83 bis Task Force (83 bis TF) met twice in 2015, in Dublin from 23-27 March and in Bermuda from
8-11 September. In the intervening periods, the 83 bis TF carried on its work remotely through email.


Experts from 11 Member States as well as three international organizations participated in one or other of the 2015 meetings. Having opined that Guidance on the Implementation of Article 83 bis of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO Circular 295 LE/2) should not be replaced by another circular but updated in the form of a manual, the 83 bis TF assisted the Secretariat in developing a draft manual on Article 83 bis. The salient features of the draft manual were presented to the 36th Session of the Legal Committee.


Five recommendations to the Legal Committee by the 83 bis TF, including with respect to the establishment of an interactive web-based registration and publication system for Article 83 bis agreements, were approved, subject to two amendments, for recommendation by the Legal Committee to the Council.

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