Strategic Objective — Economic Development of Air Transport — Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System

Implementation of Resolution A38-14 of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States (ICAN)

Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System

ICAO Aviation Data

Joint Financing Agreements

Cooperation with Other United Nations Bodies

Outreach and Awareness Activities

Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Work

Technical Cooperation and Assistance Projects (TCB)


Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System


In the field of training, three courses on airport user charges were conducted under the Airport Management Professional Accreditation Programme, developed jointly by ICAO and Airports Council International (ACI):


  • Dublin, Ireland, in March: attended by 15 participants from 13 States;
  • Tehran, Iran, in April: attended by 25 participants from Iran (Islamic Republic of);
  • San Francisco, United States, in October: attended by 13 participants from 5 States.


In accordance with ATConf/6 Conclusion, a Multi-disciplinary Working Group linked to the implementation of the Aviation System Block Upgrades (MDWG-ASBUs), has been established in order to consider the challenges associated with the establishment of operational and economic incentives, such as service priority, to allow early benefits of new technologies and procedures, as described in the ASBUs modules. These economic incentives support operational improvements, while maximizing safety, capacity and overall system efficiency, taking into account the specific needs expressed at the Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12).
The first meeting of MDWG-ASBUs (MDWG-ASBUs/1) was held in February. Four ad-hoc sub-working groups were created to oversee the identification of best practices for incentives (including operational and financial incentives), business case and cost-benefit analysis for ASBUs implementation, schemes to finance ASBUs implementation and ICAO policies.



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