Strategic Objective — Economic Development of Air Transport — Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States (ICAN)

Implementation of Resolution A38-14 of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States (ICAN)

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Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States (ICAN)


The Seventh ICAO Air Services Negotiation Conference was held from 17 to 21 November in Bali, Indonesia. The event boasted record-breaking participation, with 485 participants from 78 States/Territories, five international organizations and other stakeholders. Aviation negotiators from participating States and one regional group conducted 550 formal and informal bilateral meetings, leading, in turn, to the signing or initialling of approximately 500 agreements (including many Open Skies agreements) and arrangements (such as Memorandums of Understanding, Records of Meeting or Agreed Minutes).


Through its seminar session, the event provided a forum for exchanging views on topical issues in air transport, as well as a platform for fostering dialogue and cooperation between States and their competition authorities on aviation-related competition issues. The seminar session was organized based on a recommendation by ATConf/6.


ICAO continued to update the World Air Services Agreements (WASA) database (Doc 9511). WASA is an online product with expanding coverage, including bilateral air services agreements and search capabilities by specific keywords. It provides access to over 3 500 agreements and amendments.

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