Strategic Objective — Economic Development of Air Transport — ICAO Aviation Data

Implementation of Resolution A38-14 of the 38th Session of the ICAO Assembly and of ATConf/6 Recommendations

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ICAO Aviation Data

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ICAO Aviation Data


ICAO Statistics Programme


The First Meeting of the Aviation Data and Analysis Panel (ADAP/1) was held in Montréal from 14 to 17 April. The meeting was attended by 49 panel members, alternates, advisers, and observers from 23 States and six international organizations. With a view to ensuring that the ICAO Statistics Programme is relevant to the needs of States and other users, ADAP/1 adopted several recommendations and reached a number of conclusions regarding adjustments to ICAO aviation data.


The Air Transport Monthly Monitor has been enhanced for internal and external users and is published on the ICAO website each month. It provides snapshots and analyses of aviation passenger and freight indicators at a regional or global level.


The first annual State of Air Transport was released, covering the year 2013. Based on expansive passenger and freight traffic statistics produced by ICAO, the report provides a snapshot and analysis of economic and aviation indicators on a world and regional level. It includes traffic statistics from airlines and States as well as airport statistics. It contains the rankings and growth rates of the top 15 airlines, States and airports for each ICAO Region. It further provides valuable analysis on low-cost carriers market penetration and traffic seasonality at a world level and across all ICAO Regions. Finally, the publication highlights ICAO’s work in the field of forecasting activities with worldwide passenger traffic forecasts and global air cargo traffic forecasts.


An ICAO Aviation Data Analyses Seminar was held in Cairo, Egypt, from 27 to 29 October, attended by 38 participants from five States (Bahrain, Egypt, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia). The seminar focused on ways to improve the quality and quantity of data sent to ICAO and to Civil Aviation Authorities. In this regard, detailed training was provided on the revised ICAO Statistics Programme, which is based on the Recommendations of the Tenth Session of the Statistics Division (STA/10) as well as the results of the First Meeting of the ADAP.


ICAO Statistical Online Platform


The statistical online platform, ICAO DATA+ was presented at several international events, such as statistical workshops, symposia and other air transport events. Six modules of the user-friendly ICAO DATA+ are available: air carrier traffic; traffic by flight stage; air carrier finances; airport traffic; on-flight origin and destination; and air carrier fleet and personnel. ICAO DATA+ may be consulted online.


Forecasting Activities


Circular 333 entitled Global Air Transport Outlook to 2030 and trends to 2040 was published in all ICAO languages in 2014. It summarizes the latest and most expansive passenger and cargo traffic forecasts ever produced by ICAO.


Relevant provisions of the Consolidated Statement of Continuing ICAO Policies in the Air Transport Field adopted by the 38th Session of the Assembly (A38-14) called on the Council to “develop one single set of long-term forecast, from which customized or more detailed forecasts can be produced for various purposes, such as air navigation system planning and environmental analysis.” Work to generate such a forecast has begun and a multidisciplinary sub-group of ADAP, including CAEP experts, has been created to consider the development of an appropriate set of aviation data, including forecasts.


Economic Analysis


Studies conducted on regional differences in international airline operating economics enhanced an already exceptional source of data and information for various essential tasks, including analysis of airline operating economics, evaluation of the impact of regulatory change, and environmental planning. They also formed the basis for an analysis delivered to the IATA Prorate Agency in order to calculate factors to prorate passenger revenues from interline journeys by the Agency. The deliverable generates revenue to ICAO.

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