38th Session of the ICAO Assembly
Results of the Sixth Air Transport Conference
Facilitating Air Services Negotiations and Fostering Cooperation Between States
Infrastructure Management and Financing the Air Transport System
ICAO Aviation Data
Joint Financing Agreements
Cooperation with other United Nations Bodies
Outreach and Awareness Activities
Voluntary Support for ICAO’s Work
Technical Cooperation Projects
The Third Edition of the Airport Economics Manual (Doc 9562) and the Fifth Edition of the Manual on Air Navigation Services Economics (Doc 9161) were published.
ICAO continued to update the case studies on commercialization, privatization and economic oversight of airports and air navigation services providers (ANSPs).
Based on the Tariffs for Airports and Air Navigation Services (Doc 7100), the new online Aeronautical Charges product was updated to list airport and air navigation service charges levied in 187 States.
In the field of training, two courses on airport user charges were conducted under the Airport Management Professional Accreditation Programme, developed jointly by ICAO and ACI, one in Dublin, Ireland, in April 2013 and one in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in November 2013. They were attended by 28 participants from 12 States.
A State letter was sent in October 2013 to establish a multidisciplinary working group to consider the challenges associated with the establishment of operational and economic incentives, such as service priority, to allow early benefits of new technologies and procedures, as described in the aviation system block upgrade (ASBUs) modules. These economic incentives support operational improvements, while maximizing safety, capacity and overall system efficiency, taking into account the specific needs expressed at the Twelfth Air Navigation Conference (AN-Conf/12).
The multidisciplinary working group will present the economic and financial findings to the Airport Economics Panel and the Air Navigation Services Economics Panel to determine if and how the existing guidance could be amended to incorporate the findings.