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The worldwide network of Aviation Security Training Centres (ASTCs) endorsed by ICAO was expanded to 27 during 2013, with the addition of training centres in the Dominican Republic, Kazakhstan, Lebanon and Singapore.
To maintain the quality of instruction, ICAO updated its certification process and will require all current instructors to undergo re-certification 2014. It also developed new training material, in the form of a Risk Management Overview Workshop, that will be offered throughout the ASTC network and directly on request by States. Also commenced were efforts to revise training material in light of the changes introduced to Annex 17 by Amendment 13.
To help strengthen air cargo security, ICAO initiated development of specific training material and appropriate capacity-building activities for implementation in 2014.
ICAO also continued to support the Professional Management Course (PMC) available from Concordia University in Montréal, a predominately Web-based programme that develops the skills of AVSEC management personnel. By year’s end, 581 participants representing all of ICAO’s Regions had obtained the PMC certificate.
More information on ICAO’s AVSEC training activities are available on the public website.