

​Global and Regional Planning/Priorities​Programmes
Safety Management
Standardization, Implementation, ComplianceInnovation Portal 
​Regional Cooperation


Safety is a core value-offering of rapid and dependable air services, and international cooperation on aviation safety by governments and industry groups, through ICAO, has helped to make commercial aircraft the safest way to travel. 

The 193 countries who cooperate through ICAO are currently working toward their agreed global safety target of zero fatalities by 2030, in tandem with the strengthening of their regulatory capacities, while pursuing a range of programmes and targets relevant to current core areas of global aviation safety planning, oversight, and risk mitigation. 

They are also working to enable the safety standardization needed to integrate today’s exciting innovations in aircraft propulsion, design, autonomous control, and personal mobility, while still maintaining or improving overall network performance. 

You can learn more about these specific safety activities and programmes using the links below, and via the navigation provided in the left-side menu.

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