At the ANI/WG/2 Meeting (June 2015), an Ad hoc Group was formed to discuss the metrics of the ASBU Block 0 implementation status, performance reporting and revisions to the ANRF which will be used by States and Territories in the NAM/CAR regions. In the ANI/WG/2 report, this Ad hoc group was named ANRF Ad hoc group.
At the ANI/WG/3 Meeting (Apr 2016), the delegates agreed on a more active participation from the States/ANSP to reflect their national priorities and users' main needs, and therefore agreed to create an ad hoc group to support review, follow-up and reporting on the achievement of the air navigation (AN) targets established in the NAM/CAR Regional Performance-Based Air Navigation Implementation Plan (RPBANIP) and in the Port-of-Spain Declaration. During ANI/WG/3, this ad hoc Group was named ASBU Ad Hoc Group.
At the NACC/WG/5 Meeting (May 2017), the delegates agreed that the ASBU Ad Hoc Group would become the ANI/WG ASBU Task Force (TF), to assist the region in the implementation of harmonized technologies that supports the operation, their given tasks are:
Develop effective methods to determine the regional implementation status of the ASBU block-0 elements and the performance monitoring of the Regional Air Navigation System, on a cyclical annual basis, as a regional input to the Annual Global Air Navigation Report and feedback for the Global Air Navigation Plan and the Regional Dashboard.
Assist NACC's States to formulate or update their National Air Navigation Plans by using a planning process to ensure alignment with the RPBANIP and the GANP.
Contribute with the continuous updating of the RPBANIP in order to maintain the validity, accuracy, and applicability of the Plan.
Rapporteur: Mrs. Midori Tanino (USA)
Coordinator: Mrs. Mayda Ávila (ICAO)
Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) | WebLink |
The ICAO Framework for Global Harmonization - 2016 | |
NACC ASBU Handbook – 2016 |  |
ASBU B0 Implementation Status Summary Table Template |  |
ASBU Air Navigation Reporting Form (ANRF) |  |
Implementation Status Summary |  |
ICAO Workshops
State National Air Navigation Plan (ANP) Development Workshop - Mexico City, Mexico, 12 to 13 March 2018. / First NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group (ANI/WG) Aviation System Block Upgrade(ASBU) Task Force (TF) Meeting (ASBU/TF/1) - Mexico City, Mexico, 14 to 15 March 2018(English only) |
Misión de asistencia/Taller para la elaboración/actualización de los planes nacionales de navegación aérea de acuerdo con las Mejoras por Bloques del Sistema de Aviación (ASBU), el Plan Regional CAR de Implementación de Navegación Aérea Basado en la Performance (RPBANIP) y el Plan Mundial de Navegación Aérea (GANP) - Tegucigalpa, Honduras, del 6 al 9 de agosto de 2018 (Spanish only) |
Assistance Mission to develop/update E/CAR and C/CAR Regions National Air Navigation Plans in accordance with the Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs), the CAR Regional Performance-Based Air Navigation Implementation Plan (RPBANIP), and the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) - Bridgetown, Barbados, 6 to 9 November 2018(English only) |