Communication Task Force


​Since 1996 , the Caribbean States and Territories agreed to implement new technology to help to increase the safety and regularity of operations through the implementation of a common telecommunications network called the MEVA Network.  Mejoras al Enlace de Voz del ATS (MEVA - Spanish equivalent of improvements to ATS Voice Link) . These improvements were put in place to improve the Regional reliability of the Aeronautical Fixed Services (AFS) telecommunications service. This regional network was upgraded in November 2006 becoming the MEVA II Network. The analyzing and evaluation of the MEVA Network performance is carried out by the MEVA Network Technical Group, composed by experts from each of  the MEVA Members and assisted by ICAO.

In March 2023, the Group changed its name to Communications Task Group and became a member of the North America, Central America and Caribbean Working Group (NACC/WG), with the objective of integrating its work with all the Air Navigation Task Groups.

The NACC/WG/COMM is responsible for the technical management of MEVA and the Caribbean communications network, CANSNET, as well as following up on the implementation of ASBU elements in the area of communications and air navigation.



Terms of Reference

MEVA III Presentation

MEVA Network Coordinator: Ms. Mayda Ávila

MEVA TMG Coordinator: Ms. Layla Rodríguez

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