Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation
Technical Group Management
EASTERN CARIBBEAN CIVIL AVIATION TECHNICAL GROUP MANAGEMENT, formally named Eastern Caribbean Working Group – E/CAR/WG, was established in response to the proposal to consolidate the regional working groups and particularly in the E/CAR/DCA/24 through its Conclusion 24/7 – New NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group, where the establishment of the new NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group (NAM/CAR ANI/WG) was completed and the E/CAR States/Territories were urge to continue their sub-regional work independently with a newly named E/CAR Civil Aviation Technical Group, still reporting to the E/CAR DCAs and to the new NAM/CAR ANI/WG, retaining the existing Chairperson and Committees, with continued remote support from ICAO and where in the event ICAO attendance at E/CAR/CATG meetings is requested, the E/CAR States will provide funding to accommodate travel expenses.
Chairperson: Mrs. Shenneth Phillip, Antigua and Barbuda
Coordinator: Mrs. Mayda Ávila (ICAO)
Committees & Rapporteurs
Documents & Reports
E/CAR/CATG/7 Final Report - Miami, United States, 26-28 July 2023
E/CAR/CATG/6 Final Report -- Online, 17 to 19 August 2022
E/CAR/CATG/5 Final Report - Online, 8 to 10 September 2021
E/CAR/CATG/3 Final Report --
Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, 19 to 21 October 2016 | |
E/CAR/CATG/2 Final Report -- Miami, United Sates, 15 to 17 July 2015 |  |
E/CAR/CATG/1 Final Report -- Martinique,
French Antilles, France, 19 to 21 June 2013 | |
1st Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Technical Group Organizational: Implementation Teleconference,
17 July 2014, 1500 UTC |
1st Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Technical Group Organizational: Coordination Teleconference, 22 January 2015, 1800 UTC |
E/CAR/WG Documents & Reports 2002-2012