WP/01 | 1 | Review and Approval of the Meeting Agenda, Working Method and Schedule of the Meeting, Presented by the Secretariat | 23/03/17 |
WP/02 | 2.1 | Review of the Valid Conclusions/Decisions of NACC/WG Meetings, Presented by the Secretariat | 18/05/17 | |  |
WP/03 | 2.1 | Review of the valid conclusions/decisions of ANI/WG Meetings, Presented by the Secretariat | 18/05/17 |  |  |
WP/04 | 2.3 | Follow-up on CAR/SAM Planning and Implementation Regional Group (GREPECAS) Conclusions and Project Implementation, Presented by the Secretariat | 11/05/17 | |  |
WP/05 | 2.4 | Review of the Status of Air Navigation Deficiencies Reported in the GREPECAS Air Navigation Deficiencies Database (GANDD), Presented by the Secretariat | 19/05/17 | |  |
WP/06 | 3.4.2 | Need to Strengthen the GREPECAS Aeronautical Meteorology Programme in the CAR Region, ), Presented by Cuba | 18/05/17 |  |  |
WP/07 | 3.1 | NAM and CAR/SAM e-ANP Development, Presented by the Secretariat | 15/05/17 |  |  |
WP/08 | 3.2 | Regional Aviation Safety Group — Pan America (RASG-PA) Update, Presented by the Secretariat | 19/05/17 |  |  |
WP/09 | 3.3 | Progress of the NAM/CAR Air Navigation Implementation Working Group (ANI/WG), Presented by the ANI/WG Chairman | 21/04/17 |  |  |
WP/10 Rev | 3.3 | AIDC Task Force Progress Report, Presented by the ANI/WG AIDC Task Force Rapporteur | 2205/17 |  |  |
WP/11 Rev | 3.3 | Progress Report on AIM TF Work Programme, Presented by the ANI/WG AIM Task Force Rapporteur | 25/05/17 |  | -- |
WP/12 | 3.3 | Progress Report on AMHS Task Force Work Programme, Presented by the ANI/WG AMHS Task Force Rapporteur | 12/04/17 |  |  |
WP/13 Rev | 3.3 | ��Progress Report on PBN TF Work Programme, Presented by the PBN Task Force Rapporteur | 19/04/17 |  |  |
WP/14 | 3.3 | Preliminary Progress Report by ATFM Task Force, Presented by the ATFM Task Force Rapporteur | 03/05/17 | | |
WP/15 | 3.3 | Progress Report on ADS-B Task Force Work Programme, Presented by the ADS-B Task Force Rapporteur | 17/04/17 |  |  |
WP/16 Rev | 3.3 | Progress Report on ASBU Ad hoc Group Work Programme, Presented by the ASBU Ad hoc Group Rapporteur | 26/04/17 |  | |
WP/17 | 3.3 | ATFM Implementation in the CAR/SAM Regions, Presented by IATA | 16/05/17 |  |  |
WP/18 | 3.3 | Frequency Finder Application, Presented by the Secretariat | 16/05/17 | |  |
WP/19 | 3.3 | Follow up to the PBN Harmonization, Modernization and Implementation initiative and other related airspace optimization implementations, Presented by IATA | 17/05/17 |  |  |
WP/20 | 3.4.1 | AGA Progress Report, Presented by the Secretariat | 27/04/17 |  |  |
WP/21 | 3.4.2 | MET Progress Report, Presented by the Secretariat | 12/05/17 |  |  |
WP/22 | 3.5 | Need to Adopt Independent Formats to Report the Progress of the Implementation of Regional Air Navigation Targets and Improvements by Aviation System Blocks (ASBU), Presented by Cuba | 27/04/17 | |  |
WP/23 | 3.4.3 | MEVA Technical Management Group (TMG) Report, Presented by the MEVA TMG Rapporteur | 19/04/17 |  |  |
WP/24 | 3.4.3 | Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Technical Group (E/CAR/CATG) Meeting Report, Presented by the E/CAR/CATG Rapporteur | 09/05/17 |  |  |
WP/25 | 3.4.3 | Eastern Caribbean Aeronautical Fixed Service Network Technical Group (E/CAR AFS NTG) Meeting Report, Presented by the E/CAR/NTG Rapporteur | 03/05/17 | | |
WP/26 | 3.5 | Progress on the Alignment of Air Navigation Plans with the Global Air Navigation Plan and ASBU, Presented by the Secretariat | 17/05/17 | |  |
WP/27 | 3.5 | Progress Report of the Scrutiny Working Group (GTE), Presented by the GTE Rapporteur | 06/04/17 |  |  |
WP/28 | 3.5 | Review of Regional Air Navigation Performance Indicators and Metrics, Presented by the Secretariat. | 23/05/17 |  |  |
WP/29 | 4.1 | Progress Report and Future Activities Proposed for the Technical Cooperation Regional Project– Multi-Regional Civil Aviation Assistance Programme (MCAAP) (RLA/09/801), Presented by the Secretariat. | 27/04/17 | |  |
WP/30 | 4.2 | Report of the NAM/CAR/CATC/WG/3 Meeting, Presented by the Secretariat. | 27/03/17 |  |  |
WP/31 | 5 | NACC/WG Work Programme Until 2020 and Review of the Terms of Reference (ToRs) and Work Programme of the NACC/WG, Presented by the Secretariat | 17/05/17 | | |
WP/32 | 3.5 | Proposed Amendment of the RPBANIP, Presented by Canada and United States. | 21/04/17 |  | |