Third Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Technical Group (E/CAR/CATG/3) Meeting
Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, 19 to 21 October 2016  



Invitation Letter
General Information --
Final Report --

Order of Business

OB/01--Order of Business No. 1, Presented by the Secretariat19/10/16 --
OB/02--Order of Business No. 2, Presented by the Secretariat20/10/16 --
OB/03--Order of Business No. 3, Presented by the Secretariat21/10/16 --

Working Papers

WP/011Approval of Meeting Agenda, Work Method and Schedule, Presented by the E/CAR/CATG/3 Rapporteur12/10/16 --
WP/022Follow-Up on E/CAR/CATG/02 Conclusions and Decisions, Presented by the E/CAR/CATG Chairperson12/10/16 --
WP/032Follow-Up to Conclusions/Decisions of E/CAR/DCA/26, ANI/WG/03, NACC/DCA/06, AND PPRC/4 Meetings Conclusions, Presented by the Secretariat12/10/16 --
WP/043.1.3CAR/SAM eANP Development, Presented by the Secretariat12/10/16 --
WP/053.1.3E/CAR AIM, QMS, and FPL Meeting Workshop, Presented by the Secretariat12/10/16 --
WP/063.1.5Organizing the Training Structures/ Centres in the NAM/CAR Region, Presented by the Secretariat12/10/16 --
WP/073.2.1Report of E/CAR/CATG AIM Committee, Presented by the E/CAR/CATG/3 Rapporteur13/10/16 --
WP/083.2.1Progress Report of the AGA Committee, Presented by the AGA Committee Rapporteur14/10/16 --
WP/093.2.1Progress Report by ATM Committee, Presented by the ATM Committee Rapporteur13/10/16 --
WP/103.2.1Progress Report of the CNS Committee, Presented by the CNS Committee Rapporteur14/10/16 --
WP/113.2.1Progress Report on MET Issues and Coordination, Presented by the E/CAR/CATG Chairperson13/10/16 --
WP/123.2.1SAR Committee Report, Presented by Trinidad and Tobago18/10/16 --
WP/133.2.2E/CAR/NTG AND E/CAR/RD Ad Hoc Group Reports, Presented by E/CAR/NTG - E/CAR/RD Rapporteur19/10/16 --
WP/143.2.3Review of Performance-Based Metrics Under the RPBANIP Targets and its Benefits Achieved, Presented by the Secretariat18/10/16 --
WP/153.2.1Technical Cooperation Regional Project RLA/09/801 “Implementation of Performance-Based Air Navigation Systems In the CAR Region” Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication/Automated Dependent Surveillance-Contract (CPDLC/ADS-C) Implementation Go-Team Mission, Presented by the Secretariat13/10/16 --
WP/17--C A N C E L L E D------
WP/183.2.1Aerodrome Certification and Aerodrome Safety Improvement Supporting Events, Presented by the Secretariat���14/10/16 --
WP/193.1.4Results of the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15), Presented by the Secretariat12/10/16 --
WP/203.4Implementation Updates on ECAR/CATG Activities Provided in 2016, Presented by the Secretariat12/10/16 --
WP/213.2.1Trinidad and Tobago ATFM Progress Report, Presented by Trinidad and Tobago13/10/16 --
WP/223.2.1Air Navigation Supporting Events, Presented by the Secretariat19/10/16

Information Papers

Rev 2
3.1.1List of Working, Information Papers and Presentations, Presented by the Secretariat19/10/16 --

Discussion Papers

DP/013.2.1Progress Report of the CNS Committee — Presented by the CNS Committee Rapporteur20/10/16 --
DP/023.2.1Progress Report of the ATM Committee — Presented by the ATM Committee Rapporteur20/10/16 --


P/013.1.1ICAO NACC Regional Office No Country Left Behind Activities, Presented by the Secretariat13/10/16 --
P/023.3Antigua and Barbuda National Plan, Presented by Antigua and Barbuda18/10/16 --
P/033.2.1Aeronautical Search and Rescue Update, Presented by Trinidad and Tobago19/10/16 --
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