Emerging and Cross-cutting Aviation Issues — Feasibility of a long-term aspirational goal for international aviation CO2 emissions reduction

Feasibility of a long-term aspirational goal for international aviation CO2 emissions reduction


In accordance with its ICAO Council-approved work plan, the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) has made progress in its technical work on data gathering, the development of emissions reduction scenarios, and scenario impact analyses, including possible options and a road map. More than 250 experts have contributed to CAEP’s technical work, which consists of four main streams: technology, operations, fuels and scenario development.


The Secretariat organized ICAO Global Aviation Dialogues (GLADs) on the feasibility of a long-term global aspirational goal for international aviation CO2 emissions reduction (LTAG) as five regional virtual events from 9 to 14 May 2021. The purpose of the GLADs was to provide information on the LTAG process and to enable the exchange of views between States to facilitate ICAO’s continued work on an LTAG. A total of 295 participants from 94 States and 68 accredited international organizations attended the events.


From 31 August to 3 September, ICAO held one of the most important global events on sustainable aviation: the ICAO Stocktaking on aviation in-sector CO2 emissions reduction. In preparation for this edition of the Stocktaking, a series of six Pre-Stocktaking Webinars were held between March and August, covering a broad range of innovations including electrification, hydrogen, synthetic aviation fuels, e-VTOL aircraft and new infrastructure needed to transition to a decarbonized aviation sector.


During the Stocktaking, States, industry leaders, researchers and innovators shared their ambitious plans, innovative solutions and policies for decarbonizing international aviation, including measures related to technology, operations and fuels. All the latest information on aviation CO2 emissions reduction initiatives from three streams – technology, operations and fuels – as well as on aviation net zero initiatives, continued to be updated through the ICAO Tracker Tools website. In 2022, ICAO will convene a high-level meeting to facilitate the exchange of views on the LTAG, which will inform the ICAO Council’s recommendations on the long-term aspirational goal for consideration at the 41st Session of the ICAO Assembly in September 2022.

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