Supporting Strategies - Corporate Performance and Risk Management

Corporate performance and risk management


In 2021, ICAO focused on enhancing corporate performance by further mainstreaming results-based management (RBM) and accountability principles in a systematic and integrated manner and in all organizational programming processes.


The main steps to drive this change management initiative included:

  • developing and implementing a comprehensive strategy and road map describing how RBM would be further mainstreamed over the next 5 to 10 years;

  • as part of the RBM road map, establishing an appropriate RBM culture in ICAO. In order to support this effort, an extensive training programme for RBM is being developed to familiarize ICAO staff with RBM principles and how to apply them to ICAO business planning;

  • improving the strategic planning process of the Organization and the framework for the 2023–2025 business plan by focusing on outcomes; and

  • improving and adjusting indicators to better monitor the achievements of the business plan, and using indicator data for monitoring and decision-making.
  • In February, the Council endorsed the Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control Framework (ERM Framework), which complies with ISO 31000 and industry standards of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The ERM Framework also aligns with guidance provided by the United Nations Cross-Functional Task Force on Risk Management by setting out the roles and responsibilities for risk management, and ensures that robust internal controls are in place to support the efficient and effective management of risks at ICAO. The ERM Framework is supported by a new risk register process and template that incorporate control measures and replace the Corporate Risk Register and Regional Office Risk Registers for the identification, assessment, mitigation, reporting, monitoring and escalation of risks. In 2021, 14 corporate risks were identified using the new risk register process, and will be monitored annually by the Council.


    Management and monitoring of ICAO partnerships


    In 2021, the ICAO Secretariat issued the Partnership Framework Secretariat Guidelines and the Revised General Secretariat Instructions on Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and Similar Arrangements (GSIs), which were made available to all staff.


    Following the recommendations of the ICAO External Auditor and Council and the evaluation reports of the Office of Internal Oversight, the ICAO partnership framework now consists of three comprehensive documents – the ICAO Policy on Interactions with External Parties, GSIs and Partnership Framework Secretariat Guidelines – which provide internal guidance for Secretariat staff members on the policies, processes and procedures related to ICAO’s partnership activities. The current framework is aimed at establishing productive relationships with partners and industry stakeholders while enhancing transparency, good governance and accountability.


    In addition, all ICAO staff members now have access to the Partnerships Platform, which serves as a repository for ICAO’s agreements and collaborative arrangements. The Platform currently includes arrangements established between 2014 and 2021. Work is currently under way to incorporate previous agreements and MOUs.

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