CAA-HR Toolkit
The Human Resource tool for Civil Aviation Authorities (CAA-HR) is an online application that was previewed at the 39th Session of the Assembly. It responds to the needs expressed by States on the scaling of their staff, in particular regarding how many inspectors are needed to address the oversight responsibilities of a State. An expert working group from States and ICAO was formed to define a methodology and a model to estimate the number of staff required by CAAs.
The tool contains two components:
• | a benchmarking tool, which compares States on their reported number of staff and their activity in terms of number of aircraft and operators overseen; and |
• | an HR checklist, already in use in the South American (SAM) region, allowing each State to estimate precisely the staff needed in the area of airworthiness. |
The tool is currently being refined. An official launch on iStars is foreseen in late 2017.