CMAC Workshop held in Bangkok

According to the work plan 2018 of APAC RSO, Mr. Yan Yonggang , the Regional Officer of ATM and Mr. Huo Da, the Programme Assistant organized a Asia/Pacific Civil/ Military ATM Cooperation (CMAC) Workshop to the whole APAC region to assist member States in enhancing Civil/Military ATM Cooperation and implementing FUA, through refreshing the awareness of ICAO's provision on CMAC , illustrating the update Cir330 and APAC ATM seamless plan. The Workshop was held from 1-3 November 2017 at the ICAO APAC Regional Office, Bangkok, Thailand.

50 representatives from 17 different States/Administration and organizations attended the Workshop. ICAO APAC Regional Director (Mr. Arun) addressed the opening remark and Deputy Regional Director (Mr. Manjit) make the closing summary for the Workshop. During the Workshop, Mr. Yan Yonggang and Mr. Len wicks presented  "Global and Regional policies of Civil and Military Cooperation" and "Airspace Management and Flexible Usage Airspace", assisting all the participants to refresh and emphasize basic concepts and principles of Civil-Military ATM Cooperation, CDM process of CMAC etc. Thereafter together with EUROCONTROL Expert Team, Mr. Yan and Mr. Huo organized and conducted the series of Pre-tactical and Tactical ASM exercises efficiently, 5 speakers coming from AEROTHAI, India, DCA Malaysia, Australian, FAA shared the experiences and lessons learned on CMAC implementation. There are diversified levels of CMAC implementation in APAC region, RSO endeavored to accelerate the effective and efficient implementation of CMAC in this region and full exchange of views with member States through this workshop.

All participants regarded the Workshop as well organised and valuable , meanwhile they expressed their thanks to RSO and hope to enhance deep cooperation with RSO in CMAC domain. Regional Director and Regional Deputy Director extended congratulations for the successful Workshop and hope RSO to continue to promote the implementation of CMAC in APAC region.


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