

The signing ceremony of Indonesia joined the 

APAC Flight Procedure Programme (FPP) 


Indonesia joined the APAC Flight Procedure Programme (FPP) as a User State. The signing ceremony was held on 26th November 2024 in ICAO APAC Regional Office during the Thirty-Fifth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APANPIRG).


APAC FPP is a programme funded by a group of APAC States which aims at assisting States to develop sustainable capability in the instrument flight procedure (IFP) domain. It mainly focus on procedure design courses, on the job training, support for decisgn. The programme is hosted by CAAC in Beijing, China.




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24-28 FebBeijing, China / Online


22-25 AprBangkok, Thailand


02-27 JunBeijing, China


1-19 SepBeijing, China


17 Nov-05 DecBeijing, China




Other courses are under preparation. Announcement will be done on due time.








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