​​Twenty-Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa (AFI Plan)

16th July 2024, Libreville, Gabon

Agenda item 1: ​Adoption of the draft agenda and Work programme
Adoption of the draft agenda and work programme

Attachment- Tentative Agenda and Work Programme

Agenda item 2: ​Election of a new Chairperson for the AFI-Plan Steering Committee
Election of a new Chairperson for the AFI-Plan Steering Committee

Attachment - AFI PLan Programme Document

Agenda item 3: Follow up actions on the Decisions and Recommendations of the 26th AFI Plan Steering Committee meeting & Status of Implementation of the 2023/24 AFI Plan Work Programme
Follow up actions on the Decisions and Recommendations of the 26th AFI Plan Steering Committee meeting & Status of Implementation of the 2023/24 AFI Plan Work Programme

Attachment A:- Follow-up Actions from Decisions and Recommendations of the 26th AFI PLAN Steering Committee Meeting

Attachment B:Status of Implementation of Programme Activities Under the AFI Plan, September 2023 - July 2024

Agenda item 4A: Review and approval of the status of implementation of the OIO 2022 AFI Plan Evaluation recommendations on the Governance, Management and Performance Monitoring of the Plan
WP/04 A
 Implementation of OIO recomendations

Attachment A:AFI Plan Planning and Monitoring  Framework

AFI Plan Budget

Attachment B:AFI Plan Guidelines for ROST Activities

Agenda item 4BUpdates on the Human Resource Development VoluntaryFunds Programme for Africa
WP/04 B
Updates on the Human Resource Development VoluntaryFunds Programme for Africa (HRDF)

Agenda Item 5: Proposed Update of the Comprehensive Regional Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa Programme for the period of 2025-30
AFI Plan Programme Document 2025-30

Attachment:- AFI Plan Programme Document 2025-30

Agenda Item 5:  Proposed 2025 AFI Plan Programme Activities and Budget
Proposed 2025 AFI Plan work programme and Budget

Attachment:- AFI Plan 2025 Programme budget

Agenda Item 6:  Interventions by Partners

Abuja Safety Targets - AFCAC

Support Activities and Plan to Build Capacity in Africa - AATO

​Support Activities - EASA

​ Aviation safety in AFRICA Airbus’ contribution - AIRBUS

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