Session 1: The Air Transport Context in Africa |
Success and challenges of liberalizing air transport Market in Africa - Mr. Peter Amaleboba , Legal Advisor/Ag. Director Air Transport, AFCAC |  | |
Outcomes of the Third ICAO World Aviation Forum (IWAF/3) – Mr. Toru Hasegawa, Deputy Director, Economic Development, ATB, ICAO |  | |
Session 2: Global and Regional Requirements |
The Global Perspective on GASP and GANP – Marco Merens, Chief, Integrated Aviation Analysis Section, ANB/IAA, ICAO |  | |
AFI Air Navigation Plan(ANP) – Mr. Prosper Zo’o Minto’o, Deputy Regional Director, ICAO/WACAF Office |  | |
Revised Abuja Safety targets – Mr. Papa Atoumane Fall, Director of Safety, AFCAC |  | |
GASeP, Windhoek Declaration and Targets for security and facilitation – Mr. Barry Kashambo , Regional Director , ICAO/ ESAF Office |  | |
Session 3: Aviation
Infrastructure Gap Analysis and Master Plan Development process-Exchange of experiences and lessons
learned |
Aviation Infrastructure and Master planning: ICAO Perspective - Mr. Toru Hasegawa, Deputy Director, Economic Development, ATB, ICAO |  | |
ASECNA: Air Navigation Infrastructure perspective – Ms. Mbayang Gueye, Head of the Strategy and Planning Department, ASECNA |  |  |
ACI: Airport infrastructure perspective – Mr. Rishi Thakurdin, Director Safety and Technical, Airports Council International |  | |
IATA: Airline Perspective – Manager Safety and Operations ATM, El CHARKAOUI Yassine |  | |
ECOWAS: Regional Economic Community Perspective, Mr. Paul-Antoine Marie Ganemtore, Project Director Air Transport, Air Economic Community of West African States |  | |
The Federal Republic of Nigeria, Capt. Fola Akinkuotu, Managing Director/CEO, Nigerian Airspace Management Agency |  | |
Session 4: Aviation
Infrastructure for Africa Gap Analysis - 2019 |
Gap Introduction | | |
Gap A N S |  | |
GAP_ Airlines |  | |
GAP_AGA |  | |
Session 6: Recommendations/Outcomes of the Workshop, and next steps |
Summary of panel discussions Session 1-4, Arthemon Ndikumana, Deputy regional Director, ICAO ESAF Regional Office |  | |
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Workshop Report
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