Indicators are metrics that provide information on the status, level, condition or change of factors that are crucial to the success of an organization or its operations. They are an essential component of data-driven decision-making and measuring the achievement of goals in various areas.
Drawing from the work of the United Nations Inter-Agency Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals (IAEG-SDG), ICAO sought input from the Safety Performance Indicator Task Force (SPI-TF) of the Global Aviation Safety Plan Study Group (GASP-SG). The SPI-TF – which consists of various stakeholders representing regulators, industry and international organizations – developed and reviewed the initial list of indicators using a standardized Indicator Form established by ICAO. ICAO then formalized the indicators considering availability of data for analysis, measurement and monitoring and published the indicators through the online catalogue below.
This catalogue provides a framework for a harmonized approach to the development of safety and air navigation indicators. The indicators within the catalogue support the effective implementation of State Safety Programme (SSP) and Safety Management System (SMS) in States and industry and can be used as safety performance indicators (SPI), as per the requirements outlined in
Annex 19 ― Safety Management (Chapter 3 and Appendix 2).
These indicators also contribute to an increased level of capacity and efficiency and help users analyse aviation data, draw actionable information and implement data-driven decision making. ICAO Member States and other stakeholders are invited to use this indicator framework when building their own indicators.
If your organization measures and monitors safety or air navigation performance through indicators, you may wish to select indicators from this catalogue and share them with other regulators, operators, service providers and industry entities. Please note that the use of this catalogue is not mandatory and inclusion of an indicator in the catalogue does not imply that ICAO endorses or mandates that indicator to be used by States or service providers. It is also important to note that all indicators are not applicable or relevant to all users. We recommend that you select indicators that are relevant to your organization and its activities and customize selected indicators to fit your operations and goals.
The contents of this catalogue will continue to expand and evolve. If you wish to submit an indicator for inclusion in the catalogue, please complete the
Indicator Form and e-mail it to . ICAO will review each submission and determine if the proposed indicator can be included in the catalogue.
For more information on the indicator catalogue, please contact .