Goal 2

​Strengthen States’ safety oversight capabilities

This goal calls for all States to progress in their implementation of the eight CEs and address organizational challenges faced by States when implementing a safety oversight system. There are two targets associated with this goal.

Target 2.1 - All States to improve their score for the effective implementation (EI) of the critical elements (CEs) of the State’s safety oversight system (with focus on priority PQs) as follows: By 2022 – 75% By 2026 – 85% By 2030 – 95%


Target 2.2 - By 2022, all States to reach a safety oversight index greater than 1, in all categories




​Target 2.1a - by 2022, States should reach 75% Effective Implementation
​States that have reached 75% 81/185 (43.78%)
​Target 2.1b - by 2026, States should reach 85% Effective Implementation
​States that have reached 85% 52/185 (28.1%)
​Target 2.1c - by 2030, States should reach 95% Effective Implementation
​States that have reached 95% 8/185 (4.32%)
​Target 2.2 - by 2022, States should reach Safety Oversight Index >1 in all categories
​States that have all SOIs >1 149/185 (80.54%)


Created with Highcharts 7.2.0Achieved (%)Goal 2 TargetsWorld2.1a2.1b2.1c2.2a2.2b2.2c0%25%50%75%100%
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