The GASP contains an aspirational safety goal to achieve and maintain zero fatalities in commercial operations by 2030 and beyond. This goal is deemed "aspirational" as it represents an ambition of achieving an even safer aviation system. The year 2030 has been selected as the time frame for reaching this goal as it is when the traffic volume is forecasted to double. It is also the target year presented in the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The GASP is aligned with the timelines of this agenda since the GASP goals contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
GASP Goals
A series of goals which support the aspirational safety goal. The 2023-2025 edition of the GASP contains 6 goals:
Goal 1 is to achieve a continuous reduction of operational safety risks.
Goal 2 calls for all States to strengthen their safety oversight capabilities.
Goal 3 calls for the implementaiton of effective State safety programmes.
Goal 4 calls for States to increase collaboration at the regional level to enhance safety.
Goal 5 aims to expand the use of industry prgrammes and safety information sharing networks.
Goal 6 focuses on the appropriate infrastructure needed to support safe operations.
GASP Targets
Each of the GASP goals contains specific targets. Targets are specific desired outcomes from the actions taken by States, regions, and industry to achieve the goals , at a certain point of time: