Progress on ICAO's Strategic Objectives — Environmental Protection — Aviation CO2 Reduction Stocktaking and Green Recovery Seminars

Aviation CO2 Reduction Stocktaking and Green Recovery Seminars

The ICAO Stocktaking Seminar on aviation in-sector CO2 emissions reductions convened nearly 100 stakeholders, including States, aeronautical innovators, industry leaders, technical experts, researchers, and civil society advocates, who shared their ambitious plans for decarbonizing international aviation, some of which included committing to and presenting concrete roadmaps to zero emissions. Numerous concepts and measures were discussed, including advanced and novel aircraft technologies, operational improvements both in the air and on the ground, and opportunities for scaling up sustainable aviation fuels.

The ICAO Aviation Green Recovery (AGR) Seminar – Time to Build Back Better, convened over 1 000 registered participants from States, industries, research institutes, civil society organizations, and other inter-governmental organizations. The AGR Seminar offered a holistic view of the potential opportunities for aviation to take concrete measures to address environmental issues

As part of the virtual ICAO Global Symposium on the Implementation of Innovation in Aviation in December, two panel sessions were organized on green innovation.

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