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Agenda and Presentations


Day 1 (3 hours in total)
Raising awareness – What is LTAG?

1.       Plenary (opening ceremony) – Welcome address and LTAG‑GLADs objectives and expectations

a.       Welcome and Opening

b.       Presentation on LTAG-GLADs objectives and expectations (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION) 

2.       Plenary (presentations) – Progress of ICAO's work on the feasibility of LTAG (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)

a.       Overview of the ICAO work on LTAG

b.       Q&A session

c.       Explanation of small group discussion 

​​3. Small group discussions – Raising awareness on ICAO work on the feasibility of LTAG (60 minutes)
Coffee Break 
4.       Plenary – Feedback from small group discussions
5.       Plenary – Wrap-up and preparation for Day 2


Day 2 (3 hours in total)
Moving forward on LTAG – What are important considerations in the ICAO further work?

1.       Plenary – Recap of discussions on Day 1

a.       Recap and plan 

2.       Plenary (presentations) – Route forward on the ICAO work on the feasibility of LTAG (DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION)

a.       Presentation on the coming ICAO work

b.       Q&A session

c.       Explanation of small group discussion

3. Small group discussions – Important considerations in the ICAO further work on LTAG 
Coffee Break 
4.       Plenary – Feedback from small group discussions
5.       Wrap-up


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