To support ICAO Contracting States in resolving significant security deficiencies identified through the ICAO Aviation Security Audit Programme (USAP), and to assist them in their efforts to implement Standards and Recommended Practices of Annex 9 and Annex 17. This support enables States to meet their aviation security obligations through the promotion of partnerships and coordination of assistance between States, industry, international financial institutions and various other stakeholders.
ISD-SEC Assistance page
Provides training support to regional, sub-regional and national security training efforts by overseeing the development of appropriate training packages and providing support to ICAO endorsed training centres in the development and delivery of training programmes.
Aviation Security Training Packages (ASTPs)
Scheduled Courses & Workshops
ASTC Annual Schedule
ASTC Network Information
Aviation Security Training Packages (ASTPs)
News and Events
Contact Information
ICAO’s Aviation Security Branch Implementation Support and Development (ISD) - Security Section
International Civil Aviation Organization
999 University Street
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 5H7
Telephone: + 1 (514) 954-6104
Fax: +1 (514) 954-6408