- integrated Safety Trend Analysis and Reporting System (iSTARS)
Provide a web-based platform of safety and air navigation tools for States and industry partners to explore and analyse ICAO datasets such as ADREP and USOAP (key D3M elements: data, tools, methods, support).
ICAO's Integrated Safety Trend Analysis and Reporting System (iSTARS, is a web-based system on the ICAO Secure Portal featuring a collection of applications and datasets that facilitate and assist users in conducting aviation safety, efficiency and risk analyses.
iSTARS also provides a framework for data and intelligence needed for decision-making and the prioritization of ICAO programmes such as the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP), the Aviation Safety Implementation Assistance Partnership (ASIAP) and Global Aviation Training (GAT).
ICAO tools, such as the Solution Centre and Manpower Planning, are part of iSTARS. They help States enhance their safety capabilities and assist ICAO's regional offices in their implementation and assistance roles. These tools allow ICAO to carry out the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative and contribute to aviation-related objectives within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
- ICAO API Data Service (APIDS)
Integrate, process and distribute air navigation data through a web-based interface, as well as representational State transfer (REST) application programming interfaces (APIs) (key D3M elements: data, tools, support).
APIDS is a web-site ( containing a catalogue of over 50 datasets. Users can query and download the available datasets by requesting a key.
APIDS will be enhanced with a module for digital virtual information exchange (DIVE). DIVE will provide access to quasi real-time aeronautical information (NOTAMS, METARS, flight plans etc.) and serve as a testing and simulation platform for system-wide information management (SWIM) concepts such as global registries and aeronautical web services.
- D3M training
Deliver on-demand analysis workshops and develop computer-based training on D3M, including a classroom component (key D3M element: training).
To further assist States in establishing safety intelligence, ICAO delivers workshops on data management and development of indicators. ICAO has expanded the scope of these workshops and has designed a combination of computer-based and classroom training on data-driven decision making for civil aviation professionals. ICAO is designing new training topics related to data-driven decision-making.
- Safety Information Monitoring System (SIMS)
Provide a framework, tools and procedures for sharing safety and air navigation data and information among States and operators (key D3M elements: data, tools, methods).
The ICAO Safety Information Monitoring System (SIMS) is a web-based safety data and information system comprised of different applications which generate indicators in support of State Safety Programmes (SSP) and safety management systems (SMS).
The SIMS generates safety indicators for SSP and SMS and presents them in an actionable format to States and industry. The list of such indicators may vary from State to State based on the availability of necessary safety data. Each indicator requires specific data points in order to be calculated through the applications in SIMS and, in the absence of available data, this may not be attainable.
States, in cooperation with service providers under its oversight, will provide safety data directly to the ICAO SIMS and in return have access to actionable and visualized indicators. SIMS resides on the ICAO IT infrastructure and is able to collect safety data from all categories of service providers. The data, and the associated indicators that States and industry provide, are secure and only available to pre‑approved users as defined by the State.
- Integrated Monitoring Framework (IMF)
Produce annual safety and air navigation reports, provide and maintain an agreed list of safety and air navigation performance indicators with related metadata and governance to monitor global, regional and States' progress towards ICAO's Strategic Objectives of Safety, and Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency (key D3M element: methods).
ICAO has put in place a monitoring framework through which States and industry provide various safety, operations, capacity and efficiency indicators. ICAO maintains the agreed catalogue of indicators and the related metadata in support of SSP and SMS implementation by States and industry. The monitoring framework also includes indicators that enable ICAO to monitor the level of implementation of the goals and targets of ICAO's global plans, i.e., GANP and GASP. ICAO continues to expand the framework and the list of indicators.