(Click here for pdf version)
August 2021
Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is the first global market-based scheme that applies to a sector. It complements other aviation in-sector emissions reductions efforts such as technological innovations, operational improvements and sustainable aviation fuels to meet the ICAO aspirational goal of carbon neutral growth.
ICAO Collaboration on Carbon Market Data
| The ICAO Secretariat and the Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace (EM) have entered into a data and analysis agreement that is expected to enhance States’ and stakeholders’ understanding of the development of carbon markets. Under this agreement, EM will provide data on carbon market transactions of CORSIA-eligible emissions units, and analysis of these transactions, which will be made available in future iterations of these CORSIA newsletters and on Ecosystem Marketplace’s website data platform. As of now, eight programmes have been recognized by the ICAO Council as eligible to supply units for compliance with offsetting requirements in the 2021-2023 pilot phase of CORSIA.
Following the ICAO Council's decisions to safeguard CORSIA as the impacts of the pandemic took hold, information on carbon markets will also help States to better understand the effects of CORSIA on the aviation sector as the industry begins its recovery. The first information to result from this agreement is expected to be published later this year.
Ecosystem Marketplace is an initiative of non-profit Forest Trends and has a 16 years track record operating the world's first, largest, and only independent global voluntary and compliance carbon market transparency and offsets trade reporting, price discovery, and knowledge-sharing mechanism. EM also produces market intelligence and insights that support decision making processes for market participants and policymakers worldwide.
CORSIA in Numbers (as of 31 August 2021) |
Under CORSIA, aeroplane operators with international flights are subject to monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) requirements. As of 1 January 2019, operators are required to monitor their annual CO2 emissions, have them verified through a third-party verification process, and submit them to the States to which they are attributed. States collect emissions data from all their operators and submit consolidated information to ICAO.
In addition to CO2 emissions, States are required to submit information on aeroplane operators attributed to them, and on verification bodies accredited in them. The latest lists of aeroplane operators and verification bodies can be found in the fifth edition of ICAO document "CORSIA Aeroplane Operator to State Attributions" and in the eighth edition of ICAO document "CORSIA Central Registry (CCR): Information and Data for Transparency", respectively.  |
Reporting CO2 Emissions through the CORSIA Central Registry (CCR)
In accordance with the provisions of Annex 16, Volume IV, States have to submit CO2 emissions, through the CORSIA Central Registry (CCR), every year starting with the 2019 emissions that were due on 31 August 2020. As of 31 August 2021, 115 States had submitted their 2019 CO2 emissions through the CCR. Collectively, these States account for more than 95% of the total 2019 RTK.
For 2020 CO2 emissions, the deadline for submission was 31 August 2021. Having gained experience with the 2019 emissions reporting, States are now more familiar with the use of the CCR in order to fulfill the CORSIA reporting requirements. Seventy-one (71) States have already submitted their 2020 CO2 emissions data, while another 13 States have started the reporting process through the CCR. States that have not submitted are urged to do so as soon as possible to facilitate the timely compilation of submitted data in accordance with the provisions of Annex 16, Volume IV.
As per the SARPs in Annex 16, Volume IV, the Secretariat will fill the emissions gap for States that do not submit their 2019 and 2020 CO2 emissions data through the CCR in accordance with the CORSIA reporting timeline. The CORSIA baseline CO2 emissions (taking into account the relevant decisions by the Council in June 2020) will be aggregated for all aeroplane operators on each State pair in the CORSIA document "CORSIA Central Registry (CCR): Information and Data for Transparency". The document will be published no later than 30 November 2021 on the ICAO website following its approval by the ICAO Council.
Upcoming 2021 CORSIA Implementation Deadlines |
In accordance with Appendix 1 to
Annex 16, Volume IV, the following deadlines apply to 2021:
30 September 2021: States to calculate and inform aeroplane operators attributed to them of their average total CO2 emissions during 2019 and 2020.
30 November 2021: Using the CCR, States to update their list of aeroplane operators that are attributed to them, and the list of verification bodies accredited in them.
31 December 2021: States to obtain from the ICAO website and use the ICAO document entitled "CORSIA Aeroplane Operator to State Attributions" summarising a list of aeroplane operators and the State to which they have been attributed.
CORSIA Capacity Building
Capacity Building and
Training programme on
CORSIA. It was established in June 2018 and encompasses the CORSIA Buddy Partnerships and all other ICAO outreach initiatives including
sample model regulations for CORSIA, frequently asked questions (FAQs), brochure and leaflets,
videos as well as CORSIA
seminars/webinars and online tutorials.
CORSIA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): An updated version of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) on CORSIA, reflecting developments in 2020, is available
ACT-CORSIA Buddy Partnerships are the core of capacity building activities. They rely on individual training of CORSIA Focal Points and involves experts from 134 States. More information can be found
ACT-CORSIA will now focus on CORSIA volunteer States providing training on offsetting compliance through the use of CORSIA Eligible Fuels and CORSIA Eligible Emissions Units.
Navigating CORSIA - A guide to the scheme’s design & implementation |

Since the adoption of the CORSIA-related Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) in 2018, ICAO has developed the remaining elements needed for the CORSIA implementation.
Click here to watch on the ICAO TV the Navigating CORSIA series of pre-recorded presentations that focus on the status of implementation of CORSIA and provide information on its key design elements.
Click here for an infographic on the status of all implementation elements. |
2022 CORSIA Periodic Review |
In accordance with paragraphs 9 g) and 17 of ICAO Assembly Resolution A40-19, the ICAO Council has been tasked with undertaking a periodic review of the implementation of CORSIA every three years, starting 2022. In the context of sustainable development of the international aviation sector and improving the effectiveness of the Scheme, the Council is to consider the impact of CORSIA on the growth of international aviation, and to recommend, as necessary, adjustments to the next phase or compliance cycle of CORSIA.
More details on the ICAO Council agreement in March 2021 on the process and methodology for the 2022 CORSIA periodic review can be found on
C-DEC 222/12 Paragraphs 9 to 10, including the consideration of inputs from its subsidiary bodies (such as the CAEP and the TAB) and timeline. Any recommendations by the Council will be forwarded for consideration by the 41st ICAO Assembly scheduled for 2022.
In June 2021, the CAEP presented the results of its work to the 223rd session of the ICAO Council (C-WP/15209). The updated CAEP scenario-based analyses on potential impacts of COVID-19 on CORSIA and its executive summary are now available on the ICAO website.
2021 CORSIA and Other Environment-related Events
6-7 October:
ICAO CORSIA Forum to provide an overview of the “state of play” in CORSIA implementation, with a focus on milestones successfully reached thus far, and to serve as a platform for States to share success stories and lessons learned regarding CORSIA implementation. Further details on the programme for the event will be made available here
Other Environment Events: - 31 August-3 September: 2021 ICAO Stocktaking Seminar on Aviation in-Sector CO2 Emissions Reductions; more information is available
29 November-3 December: Seminar on Green Airports
The CORSIA Verification Training Week will provide you the opportunity to listen to a panel of experts and participate in stimulating discussion on this subject. Participant will also take part in a training course, available in English, Spanish and French, on how to verify CO2 Emissions Reports that have been prepared by aeroplane operators, in accordance with the provisions of the CORSIA Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs).
Click here for more information about the CORSIA Verification Training Week |