Resource Mobilization
In 2017, the newly established Planning, Coordination and Partnerships Office (SPCP) supported ICAO to solidify existing partnerships and identify new collaboration opportunities in support of the No Country Left Behind (NCLB) initiative and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SPCP facilitated the convening of the Project Review Committee (PRC) for the ICAO Voluntary Funds (IVFs). The PRC aims to review progress on implementation of the ICAO Voluntary Funds, manage the submission process of voluntary funding project proposals, facilitate the prioritization of projects submitted for funding, and support timely disbursement of funds.
Saudi Arabia and China under the South-South Cooperation Fund graciously contributed USD 1 million and USD 4 million, respectively, in earmarked contributions. With this funding Saudi Arabia is supporting NCLB initiatives in the Middle East Region, and the Chinese Government is supporting the roll-out of a training programme for civil aviation senior and middle managers from developing countries, as well as technical assistance in specific African countries.
ICAO signed partnership agreements with the United Kingdom CAA, France’s Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC) and the Government of France to support resource-constrained countries in capacity-building efforts. At Aviation Partnerships for Sustainable Development (APSD) events and through resource mobilization panels at the Second Global Aviation Cooperation Symposium (GACS2) and GANIS/SANIS air navigation forums, ICAO commenced sensitizing decision-makers and aviation managers to the financial benefits of including aviation in appropriate national planning frameworks.