Fourteenth Meeting of the Africa-Indian Ocean Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG/14)
(Yaoundé, Cameroon, 23 - 27 June 2003)
Report and Documents/Rapport et documents
Working Papers/Notes de travail
Information Papers/Notes d'information
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IP/1 | Information Bulletin | |
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IP/4 | Update on the IATA RNAV (GNSS) Procedures Development and Implementation Projects in Africa |
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IP/6 | Review of the Report of the GNSSP/4 Meeting | | |
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IP/8 | Development of an ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan Database and Associated Web-Based Information and Charting Service | | |
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IP/9 | ADS/CPDLC Environment in Canary Islands FIR | | |
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IP/10 | South Atlantic Monitoring Agency (SATMA) | | |
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State letter of invitation to APIRG/14 | | |
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Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Communications Sub-Group (Nairobi, 24 – 26 September 2002) (Ref. APIRG/14-WP/5) |
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Report of the Seventh Meeting of the ATS/AIS/SAR Sub-Group (Nairobi, 14 – 18 October 2002) (Ref. APIRG/14-WPs/6 and 14) | | |
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Report of the Second Meeting of the Airspace Management Task Force (Dakar, 13 – 14 June 2002) (Ref. APIRG/14-WP/5) | | |
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Report of the First Meeting of the RVSM/RNAV/RNP Task Force (Dakar, 17 – 18 June 2002) | | |
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Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Meteorology Sub-Group (Nairobi, 21 – 23 May 2002) (Ref. APIRG/14-WP/7) | | |
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Report of the Fourth Meeting of the AFI CNS/ATM Implementation Coordination Sub-Group (Dakar, 10 – 14 March 2003) (Ref. APIRG/14-WP/8) | | |
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Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Aerodrome Operational Planning Sub-Group (Dakar, 26 – 28 March 2003) (Ref. APIRG/14-WPs/4 and 12) | | |
Photographs from the APIRG/14 Meeting |
Mr. Amadou Cheiffou, ICAO Regional Director, Dakar |
Mr. Mohamed Chérif, Chairman of the meeting and Mr. Amadou Cheiffou, ICAO Regional Director, Dakar
Officers of the meeting | |