RASG-AFI/5 Meeting |
DAY 2 |
WP/0.1 | Review and adoption of the Draft Agenda and Meeting Work Programme |  |  |
WP/0.2 | Election of the Bureau (Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons) |  |  |
WP/1.1 | Status of
implementation of RASG-AFI/4 Conclusions and Decisions (excluding common areas
with APIRG) |  |  |
WP/2.1 | Activities of the Safety Support Teams | | |
WP/2.1.1 | Activities of the Safety Support Teams: Significant Safety
Concern (SSC) |  |  |
WP/2.1.2 | Activities of the Safety Support Teams: Fundamentals of
Safety Oversight (FSO) |  | |
WP/2.1.3 | Activities of the Safety Support Teams: Accident and Incident
Investigation (AIG) |  | |
WP/2.1.4 | Activities of the Safety Support Teams: Emerging Safety
Issues (ESI, LOC-I) |  |  |
WP/2.2 | Activities of the RASG-AFI Steering Committee (RASC) |  |  |
WP/2.3 | Activities of the
RASG-AFI Annual Safety Report Team (ASRT) |  | |
DAY 3 |
WP/3.1 | Update on the AFI Plan Activities and Projects | | |
WP/3.1.1 | SSP Implementation Assistance Missions |  | |
WP/3.1.2 | Aerodrome Certification Project |  |  |
WP/3.1.3 | Fundamentals of Safety Oversight (FSO) Project |  | |
WP/3.1.4 | ROST Assistance Missions – Coordination, Impact and Effectiveness |  | |
WP/3.1.5 | Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Project |  | |
WP/3.2 | Safety Initiatives by
States, Regional Organizations, Industry and Partners | | |
WP/3.2.1 | Aviation Safety Oversight Tools and their relevance in the Implementation of Regional Safety Programmes – BAGASOO |  |  |
WP/3.2.2 | Status and Progress on the Implementation of Common PEL System - CASSOA |  |  |
WP/3.2.3 | U.S. UAS Integration Update - US FAA |  |  |
WP/3.2.4 | Harmonization of Training in Africa - AATO |  | |
WP/4 | Review
and update of the Terms of Reference and Future Work Programme of the RASG-AFI
and its Auxiliary Bodies |  | |
| Any Other Business (AOB). | | |
DAY 4 |
WP/6 | Development of Draft Summary of Conclusions and Decisions of the RASG- AFI/5 Meeting | | |
| Development of Draft Summary of Conclusions and Decisions of the RASG- AFI/5 Meeting. | | |
| Final draft Summary of Conclusions & Decisions of RASG-AFI/5 | | |
APIRG/22 and RASG-AFI/5 Joint Plenary |
DAY 5 |
WP/4 | Review of the Outcome of the Second Meeting of the APIRG/RASG-AFI Coordination Task Force (ARC-TF/1) | | |
| Review and Adoption of the Summary of Conclusions and Decisions of the APIRG/22 and RASG-AFI/5 Meetings | | |
| Evaluation of the Format of APIRG/22 & RASG-AFI/5 Meetings. | | |
| Any Other Business (AOB) | | |
| Venue and Date of the Next APIRG & RASG-AFI Meetings | | |